hercufles: I Used to remember that those games were very diffecult and illogical.
Quest series because piracy was very common as well these days becausee they wanted to sell those guides. But how is it it today? How are those indie game point and clicks?
Adventure games are in fact very logical in their own way.
You just need to turn off every day thinking mode and get into MacGyver mode (iow, accept the fact that similar shaped/sized objects can substitute one another in weirdest kind of ways).
What IS illogical, is when certain items or whatever automagically appear in a room after talking to someone or opening a chest far away and so on. Modern games don't really use these kind of puzzles, and they don't have sudden deaths either (that much, anyway).
Some of the relatively new games actually use that kind of puzzles as a joke refering to older games. Like Ben&Dan series, the protagonists themselves question the way some things affect other things in the game world.
But other than that, modern adventure games are quite user-friendly, even though very often lacking the witty dialogue and/or charming characters that the classics had.