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This is another good one which I haven't seen here (well variations of it maybe) but it's all over Amazon.

"I never got the game. It sucks." or
"Terrible game; it won't run on my OS."
People shrug it off because they know morons will spout their opinions. But it can turn to worse when it's opinion about race/religion/other country.

Like when some people said "I never visit (a country) but it's filled with terrorists I hope they all die" or You (insert stereotype here) are a bunch of (insert ignorant insults here) on the social networks.

Sorry, it's just pissed me off to see people judging book by its cover. FUCKING HATE THEM.
high rated
I haven't read the OP but it looks really cool. Wishlisted.
Shaolin_sKunk: I haven't read the OP but it looks really cool. Wishlisted.
I don't think this post can be topped. I submit we put the thread to rest. :D
put that to test? ;)
RedRagan: People shrug it off because they know morons will spout their opinions. But it can turn to worse when it's opinion about race/religion/other country.

Like when some people said "I never visit (a country) but it's filled with terrorists I hope they all die" or You (insert stereotype here) are a bunch of (insert ignorant insults here) on the social networks.

Sorry, it's just pissed me off to see people judging book by its cover. FUCKING HATE THEM.
yeah, well it is just very difficult for people get rid of stereotypes.

Stereotypes "streamline" world and thus in a way make it easier to comprehend - but ofcourse in a flawed way.

For example when speaking about groups of people, its simply easier to lump all romanians as X sort of people, russian as Y sort of people and finnish as drunks for example - compared to meeting every single person with out any prejudice at all.

Likewise if a computer game doesnt work, its easier to just say "It sucks" and forget about it, than to admit that your computer sucks or that your own attention span sucks and come back to it later.

We want to give things the easiest, most convinient stamp possible and be on our way.
tinyE: Happens everywhere. My B&B just got a review that started, "We didn't actually stay there but...". This is true.
"We didn't actually stay there, but the muffled screams coming from beneath the loose soil in the backyard are mildly distracting."
tinyE: Happens everywhere. My B&B just got a review that started, "We didn't actually stay there but...". This is true.
Azilut: "We didn't actually stay there, but the muffled screams coming from beneath the loose soil in the backyard are mildly distracting."

My mother had many quaint sayings but this wasn't one of them "Opinions are like a**holes ...everyone has one!"
Post edited October 16, 2013 by Momo1991
I wasn't even aware such things existed, but creating a review of a game without having played it? That's the summit of un-funny silliness! Why would someone do a thing like that?
DubConqueror: I wasn't even aware such things existed, but creating a review of a game without having played it? That's the summit of un-funny silliness! Why would someone do a thing like that?
Trolling.. That's the only reason I can find that makes any sense.

I rarely read the reviews though, I like to try thing on my own without having a biased review luring in the back of my head.
Some may love game x while others hate it.
DubConqueror: I wasn't even aware such things existed, but creating a review of a game without having played it? That's the summit of un-funny silliness! Why would someone do a thing like that?
Trust me, it happened everywhere all over the internet. In the gaming world it multiply badly because of G.I.F.T. Theory many gaming social networks/forums.
Laziter: Trolling.. That's the only reason I can find that makes any sense.
To be fair, often it's just misplaced enthusiasm - someone gets excited about a game and can't help gushing about it, even though they haven't played it/have only played the first few hours/haven't played it since the 1990s/etc. (I'm not saying this is a good idea, but it's a less cynical explanation than trolling.)

Also, sometimes the reviewer is trying to share what they consider to be useful information for early purchasers, despite not having played the game. For example, there's a review of Democracy 3 up that is largely based on the reviewer's experiences with Democracy 1 + 2, which he/she claims are similar to 3. We could debate the merits of posting that as a "review" of Democracy 3, but it arguably does contain information that early purchasers might find helpful.
Laziter: Trolling.. That's the only reason I can find that makes any sense.
Azilut: To be fair, often it's just misplaced enthusiasm - someone gets excited about a game and can't help gushing about it, even though they haven't played it/have only played the first few hours/haven't played it since the 1990s/etc. (I'm not saying this is a good idea, but it's a less cynical explanation than trolling.)

Also, sometimes the reviewer is trying to share what they consider to be useful information for early purchasers, despite not having played the game. For example, there's a review of Democracy 3 up that is largely based on the reviewer's experiences with Democracy 1 + 2, which he/she claims are similar to 3. We could debate the merits of posting that as a "review" of Democracy 3, but it arguably does contain information that early purchasers might find helpful.
The review you are reffering to is what finally made the bucket spill, as they say. He/she could have posted the "review" in the forum. For pre-order titles or similar i often look at the forum for opinions. If none are there I ask "does anyone have some thoughts on this?". I always get good replies similar to the Democracy 3 review.

But the review should have been a forumpost NOT a review. :/
Voight-Kampff: Hello,

I wish People would not review a game that they haven't played. I feel like I'm reading reviews that begin With "I haven't played it, but... " al the time, and i find it really annoying!

Can't we all agree to keep Our unqualified opinions on the forums and let the game reviews be a Place for well thought out opinions based on experience With the game?
I agree and I never did this. However with the ability to mark reviews as helpful you can kind of exlude them from the top ten review list.
Voight-Kampff: Hello,

I wish People would not review a game that they haven't played. I feel like I'm reading reviews that begin With "I haven't played it, but... " al the time, and i find it really annoying!

Can't we all agree to keep Our unqualified opinions on the forums and let the game reviews be a Place for well thought out opinions based on experience With the game?
Trilarion: I agree and I never did this. However with the ability to mark reviews as helpful you can kind of exlude them from the top ten review list.
That's the even crazier thing: many People actually find these reviews HELPFUL!!
But yes, I'm trying to do my part. ;)