RedRagan: People shrug it off because they know morons will spout their opinions. But it can turn to worse when it's opinion about race/religion/other country.
Like when some people said
"I never visit (a country) but it's filled with terrorists I hope they all die" or
You (insert stereotype here) are a bunch of (insert ignorant insults here) on the social networks.
Sorry, it's just pissed me off to see people judging book by its cover. FUCKING HATE THEM.
yeah, well it is just very difficult for people get rid of stereotypes.
Stereotypes "streamline" world and thus in a way make it easier to comprehend - but ofcourse in a flawed way.
For example when speaking about groups of people, its simply easier to lump all romanians as X sort of people, russian as Y sort of people and finnish as drunks for example - compared to meeting every single person with out any prejudice at all.
Likewise if a computer game doesnt work, its easier to just say "It sucks" and forget about it, than to admit that your computer sucks or that your own attention span sucks and come back to it later.
We want to give things the easiest, most convinient stamp possible and be on our way.