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acare84: I am here but my heart is broken. And broken hearts can not be repaired.
Aliasalpha: I have some superglue I can loan you
Thank you. But I spent my all money to Civ5 Deluxe Edition. Can you give it for free?
Post edited September 24, 2010 by acare84
ilves: ...wasn't aware of the didimatic forums previously.
They didn't exist until GOG pulled access to theirs. I set them up so that the community wouldn't disintegrate. But I had been planning to add forums for several months.
To those asking what Didimatic is, it was originally set up to provide the GOG community with the ability to wishlist games (GOG did not have that function at the time). But more and more people wanted it to track sales, so the whole wishlist thing has been placed on the back burner.
Development doesn't move very quickly due to my excessive work load =(

As for these forums, I'll be around. But perhaps not as active as I was. I'll also be keeping the Didimatic forums online.
Post edited September 24, 2010 by bansama
I'm not going anywhere, and will still be in hand to deal out swift viking justice should such justice be required.
DrIstvaan: I've not had the "pleasure" to see THOSE attacks, but I've seen [url=]posts of an anonymous, once-member user, and Anjohl's return, which aren't in the same category as the polite opinions of some others who are appalled by the stunt.
Anyway, it's good to know the majority of the users here are the same frienldy group as before ;-).
Well, I for one hope that Anjohl will go back under the bridge where he came from.
I'm back in the forum because of the stunt. You did it GOG.
I found their monk videos amusing even after getting scared to death at the shutdown announcement which is mainly because of the disappointment I might not be able to get DRM-free games in future.
But GoG is still DRM-free, more awesome games are coming up, I see no reason in boycotting anything. I'm here to stay and buy and re-buy many games.
Post edited September 24, 2010 by cw8
klaymen: Well, I for one hope that Anjohl will go back under the bridge where he came from.
Not yet let him dig a hole large enough for a lifetime ban!
As long as this place doesn't turn into a bloodbath between the haters and the fanboys, I'm not going anywhere. Both are equally irritating, and they mix violently.

Fortunately, most of the discussion of this incident has been relatively civilized, and mostly confined to a few main threads. Business as usual, more or less.
Post edited September 24, 2010 by Mentalepsy
Cant keep me away. Missed the forums when site was down but now its back its like an old friend returning.

As for the monk thing thought was pretty good although be funnier if they started to bash each other with cricket bats :) at te end all is good GoG is back we have Baulders Gate and DRM is no where to be seen.
DrIstvaan: I've not had the "pleasure" to see THOSE attacks, but I've seen [url=]posts of an anonymous, once-member user, and Anjohl's return, which aren't in the same category as the polite opinions of some others who are appalled by the stunt.
Anyway, it's good to know the majority of the users here are the same frienldy group as before ;-).
Anjhol doesn't count, he was a troll before GOG went out of beta and he will continue being a troll until somebody bans him.
The attacks are really easy to find and in many varieties: , [url=]bellittling, and plain offensive. I can get you at least 10 more from that single thread.
It is really a shame that the classy community is going down the drain thanks to a stupid decision of the GOG staff. Well, at least they've gained their legion of rabid fanboys just like Steam, right?
OmegaX: Anjhol doesn't count, he was a troll before GOG went out of beta and he will continue being a troll until somebody bans him.
The attacks are really easy to find and in many varieties: , [url=]bellittling, and plain offensive. I can get you at least 10 more from that single thread.
It is really a shame that the classy community is going down the drain thanks to a stupid decision of the GOG staff. Well, at least they've gained their legion of rabid fanboys just like Steam, right?
Ah, so that's why I haven't really run into such posts; I avoid that thread like the plague (because I try to stay as far away from this whole "marketing yay/nay" discussion as possible). Even now, I only checked out the three posts you pointed out, but you're right about them.
Here's to hoping this community can get back its classiness in some time...
DrIstvaan: I've not had the "pleasure" to see THOSE attacks, but I've seen [url=]posts of an anonymous, once-member user, and Anjohl's return, which aren't in the same category as the polite opinions of some others who are appalled by the stunt.
Anyway, it's good to know the majority of the users here are the same frienldy group as before ;-).
OmegaX: Anjhol doesn't count, he was a troll before GOG went out of beta and he will continue being a troll until somebody bans him.
The attacks are really easy to find and in many varieties: , [url=]bellittling, and plain offensive. I can get you at least 10 more from that single thread.
It is really a shame that the classy community is going down the drain thanks to a stupid decision of the GOG staff. Well, at least they've gained their legion of rabid fanboys just like Steam, right?
To be fair, that "classlessness" is no worse than what those on the other side of the argument have been posting and in many cases, what you term belittling, offensive, etc. is little more than the truth of the whole situation. GOG screwed up, they know it, we all know it, and its over now. Belaboring the issue with cries of boycotts and trust issues is completely pointless and in many cases (anjohl is just the worst example of many) extremely childish. One could argue that your own statement about GOG gaining their "legion of rabid fanboys" is just as classless as any of those name-calling, belittling or plain offensive posts you listed. Before you go criticizing others for their actions, take a hard look at your own.
DrIstvaan: I've not had the "pleasure" to see THOSE attacks, but I've seen [url=]posts of an anonymous, once-member user, and Anjohl's return, which aren't in the same category as the polite opinions of some others who are appalled by the stunt.
Anyway, it's good to know the majority of the users here are the same frienldy group as before ;-).
OmegaX: Anjhol doesn't count, he was a troll before GOG went out of beta and he will continue being a troll until somebody bans him.
The attacks are really easy to find and in many varieties: , [url=]bellittling, and plain offensive. I can get you at least 10 more from that single thread.
It is really a shame that the classy community is going down the drain thanks to a stupid decision of the GOG staff. Well, at least they've gained their legion of rabid fanboys just like Steam, right?
Oh the irony.

Let's see, "rabid fanboys" is name-calling, at the least. And it is belittling their opinions (just calling them "fanboys" rather than listening). And most people who feel smug and think they are better than the rest of the world tend to view being compared to Steam as "offensive".
So good job :p

Seriously though. As a comparatively unbiased observer (I actually thought the PR stunt was funny. Idiotic, ill-advised, and potentially damaging, but funny.), nothing seems to have really changed. it is just that people are starting to see things from sides they previously never considered. So the activities they used to partake in are now deemed offensive. And the activities they used to belittle and consider offensive, are no longer an issue (calling someone a "fanboy' for supporting GoG versus calling someone a "Steam fanboy" for questioning actions by GoG).
GoG community is stil classy, even when GOG staff themselves arent. : )
cogadh: To be fair, that "classlessness" is no worse than what those on the other side of the argument have been posting and in many cases, what you term belittling, offensive, etc. is little more than the truth of the whole situation. GOG screwed up, they know it, we all know it, and its over now. Belaboring the issue with cries of boycotts and trust issues is completely pointless and in many cases (anjohl is just the worst example of many) extremely childish. One could argue that your own statement about GOG gaining their "legion of rabid fanboys" is just as classless as any of those name-calling, belittling or plain offensive posts you listed. Before you go criticizing others for their actions, take a hard look at your own.
There is fault at both sides and I guess I'm at fault too. Still, I find no better term to call the people that start attacking anybody that expresses dissatisfaction with GOG. Before all this, we had people actually trying to help others or at least trying to reason. Now we have the "fanboys" that tell others how they should have felt, reacted, or gotten over this. So yes, I'm comparing them to the fanboys at the Steam forums, not as an insult, but because they are acting exactly like them. Heck, I could copy/paste most of the posts from that thread, replace GOG with Valve, post it over at the Steam forums and you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference.
@Gundato, I have read opinions from both sides and expressed my own on a couple of posts. The posts I linked have more insults that opinions in them and really nothing of value to can be gotten from them.