Gonchi: Seems like my purchase didn't register even through my payment went through.
spoderman: lol I can't even check out, I get this error:
Error 404
Unable to resolve the request "bundlestore/bundle/ppPayment".
Hmm. They must be having some issues. I got to PayPal fine, sent payment and got to the screen that say I'll be redirected back to the store and then it just hang there perpetually loading.
Gonchi: Seems like my purchase didn't register even through my payment went through.
delboy2k10: Have you checked your email ?
maybe the email address was misspelt
I would go to Facebook and report it (they have a Facebook page) unless you have the email address for them of course
E-mail seems to be fine, I got the "Welcome to Playinjector!" e-mail when I signed up and the receipt of payment from PayPal. I don't use Facebook, but I sent them an e-mail through their site, and also another to an e-mail that PayPal has from them.