Coala: That is illegal. And as I told you earlier- it's not a discussion "is it legal or nor".
It's just an information that it isn't.
We received an official info about it and I'm sure that Kotaku will receive it also.
Thanks for understanding,
btw I attached my foto for those who haven't met me earlier :)
What's GOG's stance on remakes? (I've mentioned and provided links to quite few in the past without interference [King's Quest I-III, Quest for Glory 2, Ultima V:Lazarus, The Ultima 6 Project] etc.).
As for the site, this is one example of extreme copyright laws preventing/hindering innovation, thing they were writen to help. I wish length of copyright protection could be reduced to sane levels so they would usually expire durring inventors lifetime (rather than decades after it) and have use it or lose it clause.
Edit: I just had an innovation/idea anyone is free to exploit for fun or profit (I hereby declare it public domain): Someone should print copyright law on toilet paper and sell it so we could show what we think about it ;) :P (I think I'll offer it to my country's Pirate Party so they can raise funds for elections and activities).