escapist23: I bought Neverwinter Nights Diamond today and I am impressed as hell. It's funny because it was the first game I wanted to buy on GOG, and I bought first PST, then The Witcher (which I played only for a couple of hours before getting bored out of my mind for the boring combat abd predictable quests), then bought Gothic II which seemed quite pleasant, played a couple hours.
Then I bought THIS. Played Hordes Of The Underdark for a bit as I have read that it's the best expansion for it, but it exceeded my expectations! Really good combat style, it's so refreshing to see all these spells and these mysterious creatures that can be summoned. Also the voice acting is the best I have heard after the one in DAO, and , most important, there's some humour and all the characters seem to have personality.
And all this for 10 bucks with all that ton of stuff and expansion packs. I am impressed. Leroux, I will def check the Prophet and the other one you mentioned, I will save that thread.
I think I really found what I was looking for, there's so much to explore in this game, I also just really like the dark atmosphere in it. I am going to see the ending in PST on youtube. I am sure it is a great story but the graphics are too dated and the lack of combat etc really make it more of a book than a game.
Thanks to all for the input.
Once you finish with NWN (which could take a while depending on how many modules you play), you should definitely check out the second as well. It uses 3.5, which is a little more refined than 3.0 and has a bunch more classes and such. As has been mentioned above, the vanilla campaign starts pretty meh, but MotB is really good and you get to start at lv. 18, which is a nice change. Haven't played the second expansion, but it seems more IWD-like, in that you create your entire party.