dae6: If you're not finding yourself drawn into the game at this point, it might be a good idea to put it aside for now and try it again sometime in the future.
I find that whether I'm able to get into a game often depends as much on timing and my own mood as it does on the game itself. There have been many games that initially didn't hold my interest, but later earned a place among my favorites when I came back to them at the right time.
A personal example would be the original Fallout. I missed the game when it was released and tried, unsuccessfully, several times over the years to play it. Then, maybe a year or so ago, I got the urge to try again and it just clicked. I finally saw what people had been raving about, and loved it.
Sometimes, all it takes is experiencing the game at the right time, or with the right attitude. Of course, it's possible that Torment may just not be the game for you and that won't happen, but I find that trying to force myself to play something I'm just not into for whatever reason just doesn't work.
I completely agree. Your own mood actually plays a big part. I just seem to get into any games with great difficulty. My fav RPGs, for a long time, have been Final Fantasy VII and VIII. The stories sucked, not because they were that bad, mainly because they were really chaotic. But the battles, man, they drewn you in like a drug addiction. I used to go to sleep early in the morning after spending hours trying to find the ultimate items and weapons.
Then I tried all the subsequent Final Fantasies, never got into any of them for more than 2 hours. Then tried Morrowind for a few hours. It was like total lack of aim. Many people hate linearity in a game, but I think that a lack of it is also really bad, simply because nothing leads you or motivate you to do anything. I am not saying that Morrowind was a stupid game, I just , again, could not get into it.
Same thing happened later with Oblivion and Fallout 3.
Fallout 3 , I thought it was very interesting, but I just hate that style of first person battle thing. I don't know.....that old Final Fantasy really kicked butt in the battle department. You would always gain special moves, you could cast crazy magic that slows down the opponent's movement to a snail's pace, or transform it into a frog, or , if nothing else worked, as in some really though bosses were you had to fight like 30 or 40 minutes (I kid you not) , you could play an amusic 'russian roulette' to the death where either the boss died, or your whole party got wiped out.
I am just mentioning a few things about the game. I am not saying it's 'the best' as it too had flaws, but I just don't understand why RPG games for PC generally have very dull combat systems.
The only PC rpg I really played until the end, was Dragon Age Origins, but even that one has a combat system that sucked.
Again, I am not saying FF is the best and all PC games suck, not at all. The FF games that came in the last few years are really thrash. I did try out FF XII for a couple of hours and I was nauseated. I'd rather play Fallout 3 or something.
One thing, though.....why the heck they did not make a complete remake of PT with a great battle system and modern graphics, it's beyond me. It would probably be an enormous success. (now that I saw a bit of the ending on youtube, I think so.
But yeah like you said, it depends on your own mood, a LOT. I agree