Titanium: It took me a heck of a lot of time to figure out how to buy weapons. I was close to twelve when I first played this thing, mind you. Ice cream was ice cream for me. ;)
lowyhong: AHAHAHHAHA
I played PT when I was around 9. I had no idea how to make a good pizza or earn lots of money, so I always went around borrowing a lot, building one hell of an extravagant restaurant, and ended up getting beaten to death
every single time.
I didn't know how to make a good pizza either, but i found out how to earn money - by doing jobs for the mafia. Even though it was just "show up here at this hour, be there at that hour", it was interesting to see how I raise in underworld ranks. :)
Later, as I grew older, I actually learned how to handle a restaurant and make pizzas well. Too bad I couldn't find anyone to play hotseat with me. I always wanted to try that.
Another great thing about the game were witty newspaper articles. I remember there were several about Ronald McDonald breaking from prison, fighting Col Sanders and more.