StingingVelvet: First off, you are not everyone else. Your actions aside, a huge portion of people who download games are doing so with no intent to pay for any of them, regardless of quality. If you deny this, you are naive.
As for your actions, if a game is not worth paying for I suggest you simply ignore it. Playing a game means it is worth something to you... maybe not $50 on release day, but perhaps $20 down the road, or $6 someday here on GOG. No matter whether you would have purchased the game anyway, you do not have the right to use someone's copyrighted material, the result of their money and time investment, for free. To do so, and to assert you have a right to do so, makes you sound like a spoiled child.
I never said I had a "right" to do so, I simply said that suggesting it's wrong to pirate games that I had absolutely no intention of purchasing is artificial morality. It makes no difference to them whatsoever. You're quite right in saying I can't say everyone is like me, however what I'm questioning is to what degree piracy affects sales. I think it's absurd to take piracy figures and assume they all, or even a significant amount represent lost sales.
You say that if something is not worth paying for I should ignore it - but again, why? What difference does it make? If I'm being genuinely honest with myself and I know that I won't be purchasing something then it makes no difference whether I pirate it or not.
To give you an example, I purchased Mirror's Edge on the Xbox360 when it was released. When the PC game was released I downloaded it. There's no way I'd ever have bought it, as I already had a copy. This download represented *no* loss of sales for EA, so it was completely morally neutral.
That's a very specific example, but my point is that I think it's incorrect to suggest that all piracy harms the industry, we need to be a bit more scientific about our approach to the statistics in order to truly understand them - as Zhirek is being.
StingingVelvet: Your assumptions that the majorty are not lost sales are just that, assumptions. I could just easily type here the majority ARE lost sales, and my comment woud be no more or less accurate or relevent than yours.
At the end of the day, the point is that these people, and yourself, are violating copyright law, which exists for a purpose and is indeed essential in a capitalist system. Whether you personally would buy the product otherwise is unimportant, as the availability of a method to circumvent payment for copyrighted content is in itself damaging to the industry as a whole.
Furthermore, I find the idea that the end of all file sharing would have little impact on media sales completely absurd. Are all these pirates never going to play a game, listen to a song or watch a movie again if file sharing ends? Of course not, they will spend money on those things just like I do. Perhaps they will see less, play less and hear less... my heart breaks for them... but they will join in and be consumers like the rest of us. Those who pirate out of a political message foundation are very few and far between, and ever fewer of those would stand with their convictions and stay removed from consumerism if it meant never enjoying the results of the process.
In your last paragraph you seem to be implying that pirates simply do not purchase media at all. In fact you're implying that they would be purchasing MORE than they currently are if they had no access to piracy. That's one opinion - I'm not saying it's completely invalid but there's an alternative and equally valid assessment. Pirates can and do buy media, they just pirate stuff in addition. Whether they would buy more if they were unable to pirate or continue buying the same stuff, I don't know. I'd assume neither do you - but it's a valid idea that should be considered.
It is an assumption of mine that the majority of pirated media do not represent lost sales, but that's my point. We don't know and I think it helps no one to constantly suggest that they do because the developers don't like that people are getting their product for free. My point is and always has been that we need to be clear about the stats before making decisions about the way things are going.
For the record, I download stuff very rarely. I *much* prefer buying things, particularly retail copies, it's just nicer. There are times when I simply refuse to because the product does not meet my standards (DRM stopped me buying the new Red Alert game, though I also didn't pirate it).