Coelocanth: Nice try at reversing the argument, but it doesn't wash.
It boils down to "That guy got something for free that he should have paid for, since the vendor/creator of the product never intended it to be free".
It has nothing to do with the fact that I paid and the pirate didn't. It has everything to do with the fact the creator is offering something
for sale and someone is taking it without paying for it.
They're ripping off the vendor/developer because of some bullshit pretzel logic of how the game isn't worth what they're asking for it.
Guess what? You can wait for a better price, or you can just skip the game altogether.
Shit, my wishlist on GOG alone is rife with games that I don't feel is worth the asking price. Am I pirating them? No. I'm waiting for a sale. You can try to twist the reasoning all you like for why I don't agree with pirating the games, but the bottom line is they're asking for a certain price right now (which is the current sell price) and I don't think it's worth it.
So I'm waiting to see if they decide the going price is too high and decide to drop it to what I consider a fair price. If they do, they get my money. If they don't, I don't play the game, and I'm therefore far less likely to play whatever game they come up with in the future. Simple as that.
It may be like that for some, but that's not the case for me.
I look at it like I outlined above: a developer offers something for sale at
X price. If I don't think it's worth that price, then I don't buy it. But that
does not give me the right to pirate it.
Just wait until they lower the price to a level that you feel it's worth. The argument that you'll play it now and pay later when the price drops significantly is utter crap.
If you want to play it
now, then pay the asking price
now. Otherwise, wait until the price is in line with what you feel it's worth.
(Before I start I feel the need to explain that I divide up text in replies to make it easier for me to organize my thought and reply to other's thought/replies.)
It may not wash in your case but for many i'm willing to bet it is (one of)the real reason(s) why they don't like piracy/those who pirate.
For some, maybe.......but based on a good number of the comments i've read against piracy(both here in the past and elsewhere online) it seems many are just upset that someone got something/is getting something without paying that they paid for. The fact that the seller possibly lost money probably factors into it for some who think this way but in the end many are probably
Not all pirates pirate because they feel games aren't worth the asking price.....if I may ask: Do you truly think all pirate do it for the reason you stated or are you just using that line to support your argument?
Or pirates can "demo" a game and see if they like it before they buy each his own. Just because you/others have moral hangups over doing something doesn't mean such things aren't viable options/universally morally wrong for everyone.
To be clear I was responding in general when I replied previously to your post(When I said that most against piracy are probably against it because they're jealous of others getting stuff for free.). I wasn't trying to insinuate what your motives behind thinking as you do are/were. If it seemed that way I apologize for any misunderstanding.
I think you forgot to add IMO right before the words "that
does not"......not everyone has the same moral value set/belief set so this doesn't apply to everyone. And
again, not everyone pirates for that exact reason(or for petty reasons).
(Saying/implying that everyone pirates because they dislike having to pay for stuff/having to pay a certain price for stuff is like saying/implying every pirate sells copies for profit online/offline, or that every pirate is doing it to ruin the gaming industry.)
Also how is playing a friend's game copy then buying your own copy later in a sale any worse(morally speaking/etc) than pirating a copy and then buying it later in a sale? (I ask as it also seems a good number of those against piracy have no qualms with people borrowing/playing/finishing a friend's copy of a game for free before buying their own copy later but they do dislike it when people pirate a game and play it before buying it in a sale.) The only real(legal) difference I see is that one is illegal in many places while another isn't.