stoicsentry: I didn't down rep him but one thing I don't get... how can you say down-repping on a forum is somehow worse than using software without compensating its creator?
Don't get me wrong, both are small potatoes. But still, in what world is meaningless down repping worse than not paying your fair share for a product?
GameRager: I never said(or meant to imply) it was worse......I just find it a tad hypocritical, seeing as many here most likely either pirated at some point in the past or pirate some other form of media till today(books/music/tv shows/comics/etc). I just get irked when I see stuff like this, is all.
(Also, an aside: OP stated that he has bought most games he has pirated/will pirate, so he was/is compensating someone for what he plays/consumes.)
(I'm speaking mostly in general here) It's funny you should mention paying one's fair share for a product......first off, what is fair? Is paying at least half the item's original sale price fair? If so, then wouldn't anyone paying less than that/little money at all(Such as those who buy in sales) also not be fairly compensating those who make/distribute said product?
I find it laughable when people complain about pirates not paying their fair share then they go and buy a game for 75%(or more) off, or a used game(most times used game sales also net the creator/publisher little to no income).
Fair is really not that confusing here. IMO, what is fair, generally speaking, is whatever is being asked for. The word "fair" meaning = I have the moral authority to deliver this product at X price. So when GOG offers something at 60% off, they have every right to do so as per the terms of their agreement with the owner. So in that case, yes, completely fair... even 99% off... completely fair.
"Fair" not meaning necessarily a "reasonable value." So MS Office might have a price of $75, that being the "fair" price but at the same time a bad value IMO. Just my 2 cents.
That's how I see it, feel free to go your own way...
We've also clashed about the word hypocrisy before and discovered that we slightly differ as to our conceptions on that.
A hypocrite is one who tells others to act or not act a certain way while persisting in the same behavior.* It doesn't matter whether one has done such a behavior in the past. For example, I used to take coins out of my mother's purse to buy baseball cards when I was a kid. I'm sure many have done the same. Still, if I ever have a kid and he does that, of course I'm going to tell him it is wrong. That is because I've grown up, I've matured, the kid hasn't done so yet...
* = with the exception of situations in which there are genuine differences between the people, e.g.: a surgeon is not a hypocrite for performing surgery while maintaining that non-surgeons should not perform surgery, etc.