edit- or to decide what you'd have to pay for them to sell it to you. As the buyer your choice is to pay what they ask or don't.
YOU don't have the right to decide that OTHER PEOPLE have to "share" what they have with you because you want it you don't want to pay for it and you don't like calling it theft if they still have a copy too so whats the harm. the harm(for those who don't want to recognize lost revenue from some people not buying it because they can get it free) is violating
their rights to
their own damned property. Whatever the exact wording on what constitutes theft that was the point behind the laws and you(still a rhetorical you addressed to nobody in particular) know it.
If the owner wants to release it for free thats
his right. it isn't the right of some guy who cracked their software and posted it to pirate bay.
Besides at best even at the height of entitlement and delusions you'd still have to know downloading copies and not paying for them was being a parasite so whats the point of arguing about how "right" it is?
GameRager: "That guy got stuff for free that I(because of my moral code/beliefs) have to pay for, and I don't like it."
Yeah, some say they don't like it because it''s illegal or because companies lose money, but imo that's what it all boils down to.
I'm not jealous that "you got it for free and I paid for it" because I could just as easily take it with just as low a fear of consequences as pirates.
I heard the same retarded defenses on another forum I used to frequent. Some people(nearly all members of a related group of "clans") hacked an online game that had a micropayment system. Many gave themselves in excess of 5,000,000 "hero points"(those who took fewer got off with a warning and the items removed(the owners had "nice guy" issues and were constantly soft on such things)) that were sold 100 for $1 and claimed they didn't actually take anything and deserved to be unbanned. "But we didn't really take anything. It isn't like you have a limited stock of those points" "well i didn't really steal that many because I'd never have actually
spent $500 on this crap! The only revenue you really lost was the maybe $30 I wasn't going to spend after getting them free. So really I should at most get a warning like the guy who only took 3000 of them" and "Yes I took 500k but I paid for 10k and you really overcharge so I think that was fair enough. Don't I even get credit for that?"
That in addition to "if you were in a position to do so you'd have abused it too" defense.
edit(last one I swear)- I forgot the best one: finding some way to blame the victims for either making it possible or deserving it somehow "Really its your own fault for leaving an opening that allowed me to do it can't blame me for taking advantage. So if you must blame somebody blame yourself" that from the originator who only took smaller amounts as needed to avoid suspicion urged his fellows to keep it low and under the radar and then turned in everybody who went nuts with it as soon as it became clear they were all about to be caught hoping for a deal of some sort. Which lead to those already caught to attempt to win points by confessing lol. It doesn't count if you are already called out on it.
"Of course I pirated Diablo 3. Did you see the drm on that thing the company deserves it you think I'm giving my money to support that?"