Posted December 18, 2012

i don't think I'm explaining what i meant well at all...meh it isn't that important anyway
Besides even if I did I'd be waiting my time cause this is the internet and a gaming site whats worse so even if I were clear and articulate people'd just respond with idiocy like

edit- merged reply into this one so I don't double post.
edit-you can't ninja in a pirate thread or you'll summon a bacon robot or something and nobody wants that
And people would copy pictures or books as much as they wan't if you can just download them from the internet. Actually you can do that with both but the difference is that people value the physical products more because recreating them isn't easy.
In fact you have people that copy (parts) of books or song texts that now get told they shouldn't do that. Universitys and Schools got told that it is not okay to just copy parts of books for their Students. Kindergardens got told that it is not okay to copy text sheets from copyrighted songs they want to sign together with parents. They did not see anything wrong in this. Now you might say its for educational purposes so its okay but that would mean if you create a work for educational purposes it is okay to not get paid for it.
So why do people say piracy is okay while stealing is not?
Because when you steal there is direct damage to the person you stole from and indirect damage to the creator because you might not buy the product. In the case of piracy there is only the indirect damage.
If you ask someone why he doesn't just steal the book from his neighbor most people will say because "I don't wan't to take his book, it belongs to him and taking it away from him would be wrong". There will be very few that will tell you "Because if I steal it the creator of the book won't be compensated for his work".