Trilarion: That could be a strong argument in favor of more payment options. Namely that other payment options could mean less costs and fees.
See below.
chupacabra: Thanks for your input. As for additional costs, I'd be happy to pay these and I don't think anyone else should have to pay more just because I want more freedom. That goes for GOG and other users. Of course, anyone willing to join my cause is free to do so.
The problem is that it's not you who are paying those, GOG pays most of the fees behind the scenes, not the customer, and in almost all cases those fees grow exponentially the less users are using that payment option, even ignoring the higher fees the services themselves ask for when compared to PayPal or Mastercard/Visa.
I happen to know this for a fact because I've recently had to go through a comparison of payment services with a friend who wanted to open an online store. At this point in time the most viable options are PayPal and direct processing with MasterCard/Visa and guess what, these are also the most used options.
chupacabra: I suggest adding more to ease the inconvenience of having to support monopolies.
Those "monopolies" (the fact that there's more than one kind of negates the whole monopoly premise ;) ) got where they are (that is, being the prominent options) exactly because they offered the highest value in their service.
I don't know how many people remember the time before PayPal and how hard it was to deal with direct transfer or Beenz/Flooz (heck, I wonder how many people even know what they are) or how absurd the fees were initially for online shopping using a credit/debit card.
Just as PayPal took over Beenz/Flooz and MasterCard/Visa took over direct transactions so can something better take over them in the online space.