Posted November 22, 2012

go Clarice!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Russian Federation

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted November 22, 2012

Sorry for all the questions, I just don't know much about it.

Also, he's openly admitted to lying to the press to keep people interested in his projects.
Even now he's claiming to change the world forever for whoever finishes his asinine Curiosity cube, while offering expensive (up to $50k, no joke) tools to help people finish it.

Be vigilant
Registered: Oct 2008
From Belgium
Posted November 22, 2012
I think people criticize Molyneux for the wrong reasons.
For starters, people need to understand how journalists work - Molyneux is the kind of excited guy who is giddy and full of ideas for his new projects. He loves to give examples of what he has in mind and journalists, eager to draw readers, jot down everything he mentions as fact and then people blame Molyneux personally while journalists are really the ones setting things in stone instead of Molyneux himself.
On the other hand, what you SHOULD criticize him for, is for being a fluke. Populous was his only real achievement and every game after that were largely a group effort. He has good ideas but you need a strong team to make those ideas work. Dungeon Keeper 2 was, despite Molyneux having left, a better game than the first for example. (even though I much preferred the style of the first game).
I mean, once he left Bullfrog and the many talented people there, he did what? Black & White was a horrible game - most of it felt like an overblown tedious tutorial, you barely had any real control of anything and the entire game was built on a gimmick of a creature with terrible AI. It was built on the Tamagoshi craze and it just didn't work. B&W2 is barely remembered by anyone and The Movies? Good idea let down by limited set pieces.
Sure, you then got Fable, a series that is also enormous flawed. Fable 1 was a huge let down and did tons of things wrong, Fable II wasn't too bad but still not really my cup of tea and although I bought Fable III, for some reason it hasn't made me want to play it yet.
In the end, I think he got a big name early for being the face of a loved company but don't forget he sided with Electronic Arts and caused the downfall of Bullfrog. He was the one who caused that, no-one else. And when he felt that his move meant that the company was no longer "his thing", he left them in the cold.
Really, there's reasons to dislike him, but they're not the reasons people keep mentioning.
For starters, people need to understand how journalists work - Molyneux is the kind of excited guy who is giddy and full of ideas for his new projects. He loves to give examples of what he has in mind and journalists, eager to draw readers, jot down everything he mentions as fact and then people blame Molyneux personally while journalists are really the ones setting things in stone instead of Molyneux himself.
On the other hand, what you SHOULD criticize him for, is for being a fluke. Populous was his only real achievement and every game after that were largely a group effort. He has good ideas but you need a strong team to make those ideas work. Dungeon Keeper 2 was, despite Molyneux having left, a better game than the first for example. (even though I much preferred the style of the first game).
I mean, once he left Bullfrog and the many talented people there, he did what? Black & White was a horrible game - most of it felt like an overblown tedious tutorial, you barely had any real control of anything and the entire game was built on a gimmick of a creature with terrible AI. It was built on the Tamagoshi craze and it just didn't work. B&W2 is barely remembered by anyone and The Movies? Good idea let down by limited set pieces.
Sure, you then got Fable, a series that is also enormous flawed. Fable 1 was a huge let down and did tons of things wrong, Fable II wasn't too bad but still not really my cup of tea and although I bought Fable III, for some reason it hasn't made me want to play it yet.
In the end, I think he got a big name early for being the face of a loved company but don't forget he sided with Electronic Arts and caused the downfall of Bullfrog. He was the one who caused that, no-one else. And when he felt that his move meant that the company was no longer "his thing", he left them in the cold.
Really, there's reasons to dislike him, but they're not the reasons people keep mentioning.

Call me duder
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted November 22, 2012
Must admit I got excited when I saw this. For about 10 seconds. Oh Molyneux!
If you are interested in a Kickstarter games you should check out Spud's Quest, which doesn't seem to make it :(
If you are interested in a Kickstarter games you should check out Spud's Quest, which doesn't seem to make it :(

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted November 22, 2012
-Take a look at the background games
- Laugh my ass off
No but seriously, are they actually proud of putting Rise of Robots and terminator salvation on there?
also, why on earth is this multiplayer only? What's the point then?
- Laugh my ass off
No but seriously, are they actually proud of putting Rise of Robots and terminator salvation on there?
also, why on earth is this multiplayer only? What's the point then?

Hat Husky
Registered: Nov 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted November 22, 2012

After that point those who want to jump in still can, but only at the slightly increased tiered levels.
Getting a lot of people on board and raising up all if not most of the amount needed early on is very important for a kickstarter. A lot of people sit on the fence until the item is funded to the point where it becomes a real project (ie it meets its first goal). Thereafter you can often get increased signup as the item is now realistically possible.
I've also seen KS using limited items such as special promo releases and items to further increase their sales and to also encourage people to pledge instead of just waiting for the KS to end (most KS also use product discounts from retail prices to also increase the number of people who will sign up early).
In the end the most people that join a KS the better for the KS itself as they gain more funds. I've also known a good few are now starting to use an after pledge Paypal payment scheme with a limited period of time to pledge. Whilst this won't contribute to the KS amount and generally doesn't unlock new options/features/promo levels it will, of course, contribute to the development and furthermore allows those who can't back with a credit card to support projects.

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

Registered: Jul 2009
From Canada
Posted November 22, 2012
Anyone that gives him money deserves what they get. "Oh, you will be able to plant a tree in a town as a kid, and visit later, and that tree will be grown". Idiot. How does anyone promote a generic hack and slash action game as a revolution in role playing? Oh, but it records how how many chickens you kicked!
Fucking fanboys.
Fucking fanboys.

Hat Husky
Registered: Nov 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted November 22, 2012

Provided that the site is secure (and that you've got good virus scanners etc.... to avoid keyloggers and similar) you shouldn't have any problems. That said I do wish that Kickstarter would accept paypal (I assume it cannot due to the delayed nature of charges made)

I hunt Ghouls
Registered: Sep 2008
From Italy
Posted November 22, 2012
Yeah, yeah, and the extra buttons of the interface will be available as paid DLCs on day one!!! No, thanks, Peter "once we were designers" Molyneux can go to hell for me. And stay there. Dead.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted November 22, 2012
what a name...
what a name...

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted November 22, 2012
Nope, it's more like
"We don't know how to spell God in Ancient Greek [or any Greek or even Latin to be honest], so we thought of Godus. Because Bigus Dickus was already taken"
"We don't know how to spell God in Ancient Greek [or any Greek or even Latin to be honest], so we thought of Godus. Because Bigus Dickus was already taken"

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted November 22, 2012
Also, this is the first thing I thought of when I read that this game is multiplayer only
Just replace the game with Godus and Colin with Peter
Just replace the game with Godus and Colin with Peter

New User
Registered: Jan 2009
From United Kingdom