Foxhack: There's a fox? I'M INTERESTED NOW.
Though honestly, I bought 3. Loved what was going on. Loved the fighting. And then THE DAMN GAME FORCED ME TO SPEND TIME IN SCHOOL. I got tired after two weeks of classes and just stopped playing the damn thing. :|
As far as I remember, the fox is the Hermit social link, and the only way to heal while in the dungeon. It is silly.
In any case, I prefer the main SMT titles to the Persona spinoff, with Strange Journey being my current favorite title in the series. Awesome dungeon crawling there.
Edit: Digital Devil Saga is one game divided in two, with an interesting party customizing mechanic, and a whole fucking lot of grinding. Almost as much as there was in Dragon Quest 7, but somehow less tedious. Also, DDS1 has THE most difficult extra boss in the history of jRPGs. DDS2 is more focused on story progression since DDS1 dealt with most of the character developement (hell that was the entire point of the first part) and even more grinding, but with more variety in the locales (which is good, one spent like 80% of DDS1 in boring, boring sewerlike places).
SMT3: Nocturne may be the very best jRPG I've played. Pokemonish? Yes, but taking in consideration that many of the pokemon game mechanics/concepts were first used in the SMT series first... Eh. Hard as hell? Oh yes. But it is fair, except for the skills some bosses use to extend their turn counters. Whatever the enemies can do, you can also, and you can use and abuse the elemental resistances system as well as they can, if not better. Unique aesthetics and a surprising lack of handholding makes for a very different experience. It WILL kick your ass if you are not ready for some things, and no one is at first ready for Matador.
Strange Journey is a SOMEWHAT streamlined first person dungeon crawler. Somewhat because it is still totally brutal and punishes lack of preparation, but it does possess a nifty automap.
So, if a horribly difficult (and long, a single playthrough will take around 80 hours. All of them awesome) mixture of Shining in the Darkness, Etrian Odyssey, Pokemon and The Thing, go for it. Seriously one of the top titles in the DS.