amok: Laziness? maybe, however Steam do make gaming a lot more convenient for me.
I could see GOG implementing an automatic updater at some point.
Automatic re-installer, probably not, but I don't mind reinstalling my games if I reformat (which doesn't happen often).
amok: Also - for this discussion, do not forget that there are actually DRM free games on steam, and as protection goes, it is not really that hard to crack... I am not afraid of "loosing" my games any more then I am afraid of loosing my gog games if they suddenly goes bankrupt and I can no longer access my games online..
If you know how to do a backup, the main thing you'll lose if GOG goes bankrupt is updates to your games.
So eventually, you'll be dependent on emulation to run your games (which is part of the reason why I'd like to see them support an open-source OS like Linux).
With DRMed online-dependant Steam game (which I'm sure are a significant portion of the games you get on Steam), you become dependent on some third party pirate to crack your game and redistribute it to you (hopefully malware-free) to play your game once their server goes offline.
SimonG: This:
If they can polish their downloader so that it can track down updates for you (without having to access your library on a browser) and fix the problem of multiplayer keys for your backlog (I see it appearing on new games that I buy, but I don't see it on games that I had already bought when they implemented it), I don't see how else they could increase the convenience of their service in a way that would significantly affect me (ok, Linux support maybe).
I'm sure they'll eventually get it done (they have made moves in that direction already).
It's not THAT hard.
I wrote an utility in Python the recursively navigates you GOG directory (with the only requirement being that games be in separate folders) to check for the validity of your installs and goodies against a local database in a couple of hours.
With a week to work with, I'm sure they could code an expansion to their downloader that does the same.
It would just need to:
1) Keep a local DB up-to-date (it only needs to download the entire content of the DB once and then it just needs to get the updates).
2) When the user requests it, recursively navigate his GOG directory and update any installer or goody that is missing or not up to date (it can do it by navigating the pre-established directory structure created by the downloader, but it can also do some 'smart' detection by recognizing the setup files for various games when it recursively navigates the GOG directory).
3) Download missing files and replace obselete ones with the new version (their downloader does this part already).
Voilà. Not that complicated.