as explained before, german law isnt as harsh as people think
"beschlagnahmte" games:
those are where the law is very strict, you may own them, but no distribution whatsoever is allowed
those games are only games where nazis are glorified or nazis are referenced too directly by the use of symbols, or very very few games that are really brutal, like manhunt for example, the list is very short and consists of like 10 games or so, so yeah there are games banned in germany, but a handfull of banned games doesnt mean germany is hell for gamers
"indizierte" games:
no problem at all, you may own them, you may sell them, you may buy them, play them, do whatever you want, all that is restcricted is that you may not advertise them without making sure only people 18 years or older are affected, and you may not distribute those games to people under the age of 18, you are 18, you have no problem
"indizierte" games tend to be censored in germany because of the customers and the publishers, the law doesnt have to do anything with it, publishers censor those games completely voluntarely because of two factors:
1: customers dont care
advertising isnt allowed for "indizierte" games, so customers would need to inform themselves about what they call their hobby, if they would care they would be informed without saying
you are a gaming fan, tell me, without taking advertisiments into consideration, since when do you know deus ex human revolution is coming out even when you are not interested in buying it?
see, you are like 1% of the customers, most customers dont buy because they are a fan of gaming, they just buy because they have to, like robots, so publishers censor the games because customers dont care about anything thats not advertised, a good zombie game is coming out? they dont care! a cheap licence cash in thats not worth buying is coming out? they buy it because of heavy advertisement, customers dont care, so publishers censor the games so they can order the customers to buy games
2. publishers dont care (except for money)
that example can be better explained with movies, but you will understand how its fitting for games too, so it goes like this:
imagine there is a big action movie coming out, like stallone does lots of brutal kills, like 20 kills in a minute or whatever, great movie right?
well how about that, we take everything out of the movie that makes the movie great, so we can sell it to an audience that was never thought of when the movie was made? so the movie is stripped of all the great action because without the brutal kills you can sell a killer film to younger people that wont have fun watching it and where never the intended audience
3. bonus reason: publishers REALLY care for money
so lets say there is a nice kids movie, its for kids 12 years or older, no problem, right?
you forgot the publishers will to earn money, since kids dont really understand when a movie makes no sense because stuff is missing, they just censor it until it is suitable for kids 6 years or older
i think the third bonus reason shows that the problem isnt the law, if something is suitable for people 18 years or above it will be censored so its for 16 or above, if its 16 or above publishers censor it to sell it to kids 12 or above, if its 12 or above, why not censore it so it is also suitable for kids of 6 or above - and the law has nothing to do with it
ok to end this long post, lets go back to "indizierte" games a last time, i already said that because of violence "beschalgnahmte" games are only like 10 or some more, so again "indizierte" games:
two possibilities:
1. you are one of those robot customers that dont care, for you the publishers censor the games because you fail to be informed about what you call your hobby, since you dont care enough to be informed about your hobby you dont care when you play a censored game, chances are that you wont even notice, since you dont care there is no problem
2. you are an informed customer, but since thats the case and you should be above 18 to care anyway, you will have no problem to find the uncensored version, only has about two days delivery time to germany and is most of the time even cheaper then german shops, nobody breaks a law, you got your uncensored game, and chances are you saved some money