P1na: Err.. yeah. Which is why I just said I got to America 4 days ago, when I'm in Costa Rica. I'm still not completely sure of what your point was, but taking Portugal out of the American equation does a lot to help.
Weclock: You're judging all of America on Costa Rica. :D
Imagine judging all of Africa on Egypt, or all of Europe on Germany!
Oh, that!
No, I'm not judging all of 2 entire continents by 4 days on a single country, specially when just getting used to jet lag and the fucking heat took most of those days. I'm just judging peanut butter, which I've heard about from American people but I never saw in Europe. So when I got to Costa Rica and saw it on the breakfast buffet, I made a point of trying it out. And I didn't quite enjoy it.
I'll save my judging of the continent(s) for a later date. For now, what I can tell is that while I probably will eat peanut butter as long as it's included on the free breakfast, I don't plan on ever looking for it on a supermarket.