Fomalhaut30: My internet barely qualifies as broadband. 1Mb down/256k up (that's a max, I'm lucky if I hit half that) and I play 'em just fine. If you can beat that level of internet service, you'd probably be ok. I didn't see that you were in Indonesia though, so that might be a factor.
Never hurts to try. :)
At home? Try around 8-10kbps :-)
(Using mobile connection)
It is even worse than a dial-up in the city. Heck, if I have to visit forum from home, I disable all pictures by default.
SimonG: Has the Mass Effect series been mentioned? If you play a biotic, you have several fund "telekenetic" abilities.
No, it hasn't been mentioned yet above. Thanks for the suggestion. The series will have to go for future consideration though since my ancient laptop cannot handle them.
metalkidz: I don't remember clearly but its seem to be a Midway title, ah, gotcha.... Psi-ops, it has telekinesis as u want :D
Yes, I already played it (see my OP above). A bit similar to Second Sight. Thanks.