While I agree that gamers are just gamers, Aliasalpha, there are fundamental differences in consoles and the PC as gaming platforms. Each has its own area where it shines. Console gamers are better at action type games, like shooters and platformers, while anything requiring micromanagement, such as real-time party RPGs (like Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age***) and RTS, are better on the PC.
This leads many PC gamers to claim that console games are 'dumbed down' because they require less micromanagement. That opinion is then projected and applied towards the users of consoles. Console gamers obviously are offended by this, and they make some equally silly blanket statement.
Oh yeah, thanks for mentioning Civilizatins Revolutions. I have been wondering whether to pick that up for the PS3, just to see how it plays. I don't think i have played a Civ game since Civ 2, so it probably wouldn't disappoint me. Still curious to see how it will play though; I think I can pick up a $20 copy at Gamesto or something.
***I mentioned Dragon Age, because i have heard many many complaints from console owners that bought the game. They say that the console is not conducive to the combat structure. I can imagine their troubles, since I tend to micro manage all 4 party members non-stop during big combats (move the rogue to flank, run the mage around to Cone of Cold or mass heal, make sure the DPS off-tank doesn't get too much aggro, and etc). Without a mouse, I think it would take me three times as long.
Edit: Oh, yeah, forgot to mentioned that, yes, BG and DA can both be pause in combat, and, therefore, are not technically "real time". However, I do think the way they are set up is better for PC play. As opposed to a more shooter oriented RPG such as Mass Effect, which seems to play more towards the strengths of the console.
Post edited March 07, 2010 by Krypsyn