sheepdragon: I've only read a few reviews by Desslock, and those have been absolute crap.
Not exactly a review, but he wrote an article about RPG's, and how they should be simplified with no numbers, and used Bioshock as an example, which pissed me off. Good riddance that guy at least.
Haven't read anything by the others though.
Syme: Aside from the fact that I disagree with you about that particular column, your peevishness is appalling. You're glad he's out of a job because you disagree with him? Do you have any sense of perspective, or empathy for that matter?
And speaking of perspective, the issue here is the changing tide of journalism for games. If the only thing you have to contribute is that you are glad someone got fired, maybe you shouldn't have posted here at all.
Considering that thousands of people lose their jobs every day, people who do a much more important job, and some who have a lot more need for that money, and that I do not have any empathy for them, why should I have any for him? Especially when he is a 'crap feeder' as Gambler called him.
Gaming journalism has been in steady decline for several years anyway, and whatever he said didn't give much "food for thought" as you said.
For the most part he hasn't been consistent, and often seemingly completely changing his mind on things. And he is welcoming the dumbing down of certain games (which has been pissing me off lately in certain sequels...) When his word is almost worshiped as law by some, it can have an unhealthy effect on game development.
If I want separate opinions, I'll get it from forums or friends. You don't need to an employee for it, which in it self lessens their credibility in these things. You can find separate opinions and columns everywhere if you can be bothered to look, better written, by people who are more consistent in their opinions.
But to be perfectly fair, I do not really care. I do not read magazines or websites like these, because it's all just a opinions. Whether they're there to make profit or some random dude, it doesn't matter. I do not read reviews or articles about gaming in general, other than out of pure curiosity or to get some general information about the gameplay in upcoming games, because it's just opinion either way. Whether it's paid, or bribed or whatever, nothing makes something automatically better.
Only reason to that I said what I said, was because that Desslock is more of an annoyance than the others, considering that I haven't heard about those.
You can agree or disagree with me. It's just opinion anyway, and in the end I suspect that neither of us care about the other one's anyway.