Charon121: What? There are still gaming magazines made of paper? By the time an issue is made, printed and shipped to retailers, any news contained in it has become old. I remember, back in the early 1990s, people used to send letters to the magazine with questions on how to solve specific puzzles in adventure games or how to beat difficult bosses. Today there are walkthroughs and FAQs all over the net. Now with video reviews, it's even more convenient – you can get a glimpse of what a game feels like.
i don't like sitting in front of a computer reading articles nearly as much as thumbing through some pages, plus i enjoy the images more on mag's!
VanishedOne: I used to read PC Gamer frequently, but it probably wasn't the PC Gamer the OP is talking about. i read some of your link, and it says the US pcgamer's subscribers are 97% male! jeez!
from here we could certainly derail the topic to a male dominated hobby topic about how video game players are almost all male! as the OP, i hereby grant anyone permission to go there if they feel like it.