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thogu61: Personally I would be happy, to have paysafecard as payment-option. I am trying to establish a prepaidcard, but being outtaxed and living on the existential minimum it is not easy. But I find always some spare money for paysafecard.

I guarantee, I am not in bound with paysafecard. It is really only because paysafecard is the simpliest way to pay online, that I request for this paymentoption.
Why don't you just open a top secret Swiss bank account and um... put money in it. Then launder the money into priceless artifacts that you can sell in Poland to buy your GoG's?
ZivilSword: In Germany, Paysafecard has been modified unusable, due to fulfill a silly law against money laundering. (In my opinion, the German adminstration just wants to control every money transfer, but that's another discussion).

At first you are not allowed to change more than 100 Euro at once into PSC. That's ok, I would only use it for smaller payments. The second change make it unusable: you are only allowed to use ONE PSC code for any transaction and cannot combine at least two codes. That leads to the situation, that e.g. if you have a card with an amount of 3.71€, you can't pay anything that costs more. The 3.71€ are lost, until you find a cheap item. That is almost never the case, so after some weeks you have several PSC codes with amounts of 0.78, 3.71, 2.30, 4.88 etc.

If they would at least allow to use two card codes, with one card no more than 10€ (e.g.), that would be ok and would also fulfill the law, but they don't want. So I don't want to use this system anymore.
Sorry pal, I have heard about this and found this extremely strange first, but this only matters paysafebills bought in Germany. I have requested this problem with Steam and they explained me. So, if you are living near the border of Switherland or another of Germany's border-countries, I'd recommend, trying to by paysafecard there and using this bill in Germany. According to the information I got, this should then work. But no guaranties granted for that. And of course having to cross the border for getting paysafecard-cash would be especially tiresome and not to everyones like or comfort. It is really a annoying law. Personally I think that this was caused by the bank-lobby to stop the credit-card Konkurrenz (sorry don't know the correct English word).
thogu61: credit-card Konkurrenz (sorry don't know the correct English word).
I think the correct English word would be "competition".
thogu61: Personally I would be happy, to have paysafecard as payment-option. I am trying to establish a prepaidcard, but being outtaxed and living on the existential minimum it is not easy. But I find always some spare money for paysafecard.

I guarantee, I am not in bound with paysafecard. It is really only because paysafecard is the simpliest way to pay online, that I request for this paymentoption.
Popinjay: Why don't you just open a top secret Swiss bank account and um... put money in it. Then launder the money into priceless artifacts that you can sell in Poland to buy your GoG's?
Nice one - my friend. But my problem is getting money. And if I had enough money - I wouldn't need anything like what you try to propose me ;)
Check your messages.
QC: Check your messages.
Checked and replied, tx so far.
Can't you link your bank account to a Paypal account?
mrking58: Can't you link your bank account to a Paypal account?
I've already tried to do exactly this, but as far as it is in the moment, also Paypal still asks for at least one credit-card. It's like with click'n buy. In the first time they only asked for a phonenumber and you were then billed by the phone bill. But about too years ago the have changed their AGB and now click'n buy only works with a valid credit- or debitcard. As for paypal, they always asked for a creditcard. Their selling argument is only, when paying with paypal you don't have to enter your creditcard-data in public. But personally I hope to recover from my situation in the next months or at least within the next twelfe months, because I come really to the conclusion, that credit-cards, even prepaid-creditcards are workin best for online-payment and are accepted in most online-stores. Paysafecard instead is only accepted in very few places, and is therefore a fine idea, but in most of the situations not useable.

I have even once placed a question to the paypal customersupport, but received only an answer, which confirmed, that one has at least enter one valid creditcard. I don't know if there are other possibilities in other countries. But for Switzerland these are the conditions.
Post edited January 27, 2013 by thogu61
mrking58: Can't you link your bank account to a Paypal account?
This is another reason why i would prefer the paysafecard because none of your personal information would be involved and it is just easy.
@thogu yes it is true that PP asks for a CC which sort of defeats the purpose in my opinion be auese then you could just use ur CC...
mrking58: Can't you link your bank account to a Paypal account?
poppop5: This is another reason why i would prefer the paysafecard because none of your personal information would be involved and it is just easy.
@thogu yes it is true that PP asks for a CC which sort of defeats the purpose in my opinion be auese then you could just use ur CC...
Exactly my saying - it's the reason, why I am muttering so about PayPal and Click 'n buy. When I owned a valid creditcard, I never had problems using this (except for being credited - and this is my problem, not the one of the credicards). It's by the way the same with steam. When I would be able to afford a creditcard, I wouldn't need paysafecard at all and also would be able to buy all my favorites from GOG AND STEAM.

So I am absolutely wondering, why not more sites are offering a paysafecard-option: hey, the want to sell things that cost money. But they exclude everyone that has no creditcard. Why not simply offering the paysafecardoption in addition and getting even more money than only from the people with creditcards. Sometimes I really wonder about the intelligence of business-people. It's a simple question, if you want to get more money wi' your business or not. And I don't know not one single business which does not want the most money possible. Not one damns single e-shop has the option - in my mind - to say: Oh no, that paysafecardstuff is nothing for me.... I have enough money from the creditcardholders, what the heck do I use more money than this... To hell with all paysafecardrefusers - except GOG - of course. But even GOG unfortunately never will receive money from me, not that I would like to buy from them, but I am sorry, without paysafecard, I can't do quite one single order - and there are so many games I'd like to buy from them. My wishlist already contains about fifty titles, they d'gain really a damn lot of money from me, if they 'd allow me to pay wi paysafecard.
thogu61: Why not simply offering the paysafecardoption in addition and getting even more money than only from the people with creditcards.
Possible example, without any way of knowing if it's true or not.
Visa charges 2% of the payment as fee, Mastercard charges 1.5%, Paypal charges 2.5% and PaysafeCard charges $2 per transaction. If the usual charge is ~$6, then paysafe charges 33% of the charge, thus not worth it for the merchant.

Absolutely no idea what the fees are, if the fees are percentages of the fee or flat rate, or what the fees may be for each service.
thogu61: Why not simply offering the paysafecardoption in addition and getting even more money than only from the people with creditcards.
JMich: Possible example, without any way of knowing if it's true or not.
Visa charges 2% of the payment as fee, Mastercard charges 1.5%, Paypal charges 2.5% and PaysafeCard charges $2 per transaction. If the usual charge is ~$6, then paysafe charges 33% of the charge, thus not worth it for the merchant.

Absolutely no idea what the fees are, if the fees are percentages of the fee or flat rate, or what the fees may be for each service.
I wouldn't mind paying some charges with paysafecard-orders, It's the way business are runned. As long as I get a clear information, what I'd have to pay exactly, so I can exactly calculate my real costs - generally I also have to calculate with currencies, so the extrapost would not be such a special thing.
thogu61: I wouldn't mind paying some charges with paysafecard-orders, It's the way business are runned. As long as I get a clear information, what I'd have to pay exactly, so I can exactly calculate my real costs - generally I also have to calculate with currencies, so the extrapost would not be such a special thing.
The problem is that the payments aren't done by you, but by the retailer. Thus in the previous example, GOG would make ~$3 for the game sold through Visa, but only $1 for a game sold through paysafe, and would sell at a loss in the case of a sale. The option of "Pay $6 with a visa or $8 with paysafecard" doesn't really sound that enticing :/
Again though, hypothesis without an easy way to prove/disprove it, and I do hope something will be done in the near future, so more people will be able to enjoy the GOG games.
thogu61: I wouldn't mind paying some charges with paysafecard-orders, It's the way business are runned. As long as I get a clear information, what I'd have to pay exactly, so I can exactly calculate my real costs - generally I also have to calculate with currencies, so the extrapost would not be such a special thing.
JMich: The problem is that the payments aren't done by you, but by the retailer. Thus in the previous example, GOG would make ~$3 for the game sold through Visa, but only $1 for a game sold through paysafe, and would sell at a loss in the case of a sale. The option of "Pay $6 with a visa or $8 with paysafecard" doesn't really sound that enticing :/
Again though, hypothesis without an easy way to prove/disprove it, and I do hope something will be done in the near future, so more people will be able to enjoy the GOG games.
Okay then, I always feared, hearing this argument. So that means, that paysafecard should offer a business-model (for dealers) to grant a better bargain? Then there's still the question - for me little stupid I am - why paysafecard does not offer such a model. No dealer, even not paysafecard, may prosper on long terms, if he is too greedy.
If the problem lies within the way of dealing by paysafecard itself, I have no further arguement. If paysafecard only thinks to serve as a raiser for the Umsatz (don't know the English word, sry), than it's clear, they are not focused more by e-shops. "Umsatz" is a fine thing, but the real business needs also to have a good balance, which means, for every single trade a real win, that does fully count in the calculation. Otherwise it's clear to me, that paysafecard will not be able to get more attention from businesses. I am still not convinced completely by the way, this kind of business seems to be executed:

a) businesses would perhaps accept paysafecard more, if they would offer a better business-model, while on the same,
b) paysafecard perhaps would be able to offer better conditions for dealers, if they would use the paysafe-paying channel more often.

So each side is shooting the ass of the other and both of them are by this, reducing their possibilty of making better gains. No wonder public business is going nuts theese days.
thogu61: So that means, that paysafecard should offer a business-model (for dealers) to grant a better bargain? Then there's still the question - for me little stupid I am - why paysafecard does not offer such a model. No dealer, even not paysafecard, may prosper on long terms, if he is too greedy.
Again, hypothetical talk.
A flat fee is much better for the payer on larger transactions. Take for example the exchange fee for some of the UK cards. The fee is always 1.5 pounds, no matter if the transaction was $4 or $400, so in the first case it's about 75% of the transaction, in the second it's 0.75% of it. A percentage fee of 2% is better for smaller transactions, though one could claim that it's always the same.
I don't know the reasons GOG doesn't accept PaysafeCard, and seeing how many people ask for it, it does suck. The transaction fees is one possibility, another is lack of support for Cyprus, where GOG is financially located (again, no idea if this is true or not). I do have faith in GOG though, and I believe that they are evaluating more payment methods, and if they are found to be viable, they will be added. One can only hope though :/