Naturius: .... i can not pay with paysafe. :( :( :(
Until a year ago I would have agreed and missed the Paysafecard option. But since last September PSC changed its payment terms to the worse. You are not allowed anymore to combine the amount of money from at least two PSC. Every sale most be paid from the amount of
one card. So if the amount is below the price of an article you cannot use this card, only for articles that cost in total less than or equal the amount on this card.
Let’s say you want to buy a game for 5€, but your card only has an amount of 4.99€, this money is worthless except for articles that cost 4.99 or less. In general you can say, an amount of 2–5€ will be lost for every card.
They do not let the user combine the rest amount with the amount of a new 10€ or 20€ card. They tell you it’s because of new German law against money laundering, but that is utter bullshit, because the law is only to be used for amount higher than 100€ or 200€ (don’t know exactly). So they should at least allow you to bundle two cards with each of a maximum of 50€. But they don’t.
In fact, PSC bought in Germany are the
only ones this rule applies. Cards bought in every other country (Austria, France, Poland, etc.) can be used like it was possible in Germany before September 2012.
So the only reason using a PSC left is either to buy something that matches almost exactly the PSC amount in price (likea 50€ article) or to use it for loading virtual wallets like the Steam wallet. You don’t get your money back, but you can spend all your money from the PSC onto articles (games) in Steam without leaving a rest amount.
GOG could offer such a wallet, that would be the only way I would use PSC here. But I think, VISA is just more comfortable …