DieRuhe: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/paul-ryan-soup-kitchen-photo-142816396--election.html I especially like this part: "During his 15-minute visit on Saturday morning, the vice presidential candidate donned a white apron and offered to wash some dishes that—as several bloggers and a pool reporter later pointed out—did not appear to be dirty." Ah yes, showing solidarity with the lowly peasants of the world. How nice of him. Even nicer that they weren't even allowed to be there, according to the guy who runs the charity.
He's "washing dishes" in a tie... 'nuff said.
SimonG: The good thing about democracy is that the voters get what they deserve. Any American who considers voting for Romney/Ryan and is not making at least 100 grand each year should really read what they are proposing for America.....
This doesn't actually seem to be a feature of a democracy... at least not ours.
HereForTheBeer: 42 straight months of U3 unemployment above the 8% threshold that was not supposed to be broached in the first place, or a minor brouhaha from 15 minutes at a charitable organization. I see folks have their priorities straight.
I'm pretty sure I can easily blame congress for this as much as the sitting President. In fact, I blame the previous two Presidents for it as well.