lowyhong: Too bad right now minion AI sucks. Playing as a necromancer build is tough. Still, I'm having a lot of fun. I may donate to GGG. It's not fair that a game this good is free.
Yeah, it's known that isn't the best build due to that. Still, sometimes it was useful to throw a Summon Zombie gem on one of my melee guys just to take some heat off if I got a little far in past my level.
Whiteblade999: Really Diablo 3 has amazing combat and the flawed auction house going for it, but other then that Path of Exile completely smashes it in my opinion.
Thanks for the itemized breakdown. Obviously this argument happens a lot in game, but there's not a lot of actual arguments/reasoning.
F1ach: The microtransactions seem a bit pointless, but I guess thats the point, so they dont enhance gameplay, but I cant see why anyone would bother buying them, so I would wonder about the games financial viability and its future.
I can tell you why, it's like Zynga (which has been bad for Zynga's business but they're dicks so people generally dislike them) a minority of the players really can support the majority in games like this, and if I've spent enough time on a F2P game, I'll always throw down 25-50 USD sometime in the year and buy a ridiculous pet or whatever epeen item I see, at least if the company seems like they're really trying. I do this because I'm one of the ones capable of supporting these things, I know others can't and that's okay, with both me and the developers, apparently.
I'm actually glad you don't buy power (maybe a leveling speed boost, jury's not in on that I think, but it won't be crazy, think 20%, not 300%). This game is fun, and seriously addictive. Sadly I've played it so much that I didn't log on this weekend. I've had my beta discs for an entire year now.
Also, 5k players may or may not be a lot, if you've been in beta your characters have been reset a fuckton and been moved into legacy leagues, so some may be playing there. Also, I don't know if they let you play Hardcore but I think a lot of the playerbase is hanging out in there, since our characters get reset every couple of months, the threat of dying is a bit lower:)
As a final note, I met 3 or 4 of these guys at PAX last year, these folks really love what they're doing. Seriously, this is passion guys.
lowyhong: I dropped the devs $10 to support them. $10 for 10 hours of gameplay clocked so far is good value for money, if you ask me. Shame there's no singleplayer option. I'm not making use of their multiplayer-specific features so far. The only time when the online part matters to me is when I'm playing with my brother, and even so, I prefer to solo the game.
Thanks for supporting them! Just wondering, does that entitle you to a permanent beta key? If not, let me know, I may have a spare key.