I don't speak english fluently, so if Im misusing some words, feel free to correct me.
You wanted examples, ok
Some movie critics say "Avatar is awful" , but it's the biggest blockbuster ever. People like it = it's good. Even in Poland, where going to cinemas is not the most popular way to watch them, Avatar was the most seen movie ever.
From consumers trends you should extract simple deduction: people like watching movies like it, so we should make more movies like it.
You can't be objective from mathematical point of view when it comes to likes and dislikes.
You can't objectively say "tomato soup is bad". It's just your opinion. When most of the people would say "tomato soup is bad" then something is going on. It still can be good for you, but
generally it's bad.
So you can't say "steam sucks" you can just say "steam sucks to me", because most of the people who use it - enjoy it. To prove it you should look for statistic, steam sales, etc.
I've read somewhere that digital distribution is overtaking retail purchases.
If you're aware of the fact that steam is the most popular digital distribution platform you may add the numbers up - people like steam more than other distribution platforms. Why? Well, biggest game catalogue, huge sales, great social platform, etc.
Most of the people buy on steam even if a game is avaible on other distribution platform drm-free , but steam version has achievement and integrated multiplayer lobby.
You may cover your ears and say "stema sucks drm blablabla" but you can't deny the fact that steam is the most successful distrib. platform,
because people like it. They don't choose steam because they don't have any better options. Small percentage of games are steam only. They choose it, because they like it. simple as that.