jamyskis: Your thinking is far too black and white.
I don't like Steam, yet I continue to use it. Why? Because I
tolerate it. The issue of DRM and server unavailability is always a concern to me (you know that, because we've debated this at length already in another thread), yet I tolerate it because I like to support indie developers, because Steam has become so ubiquitous that any disappearance of Steam's servers will be acted upon relatively swiftly, and because I know that if Steam pisses me off any more than it has that pretty much all of the games can be cracked and I will never have to use Steam again.
That's the crux. I know that GabeN is not holding a gun to my head, but Steam is one of those unavoidable things if you want to be an active PC gamer. You ask any number of gamers that don't spend their time hawking around the Steam forums and you will find that the general perception of Steam is not as something good or bad but as a "necessary evil".
Yes, I know that the pure haters will always vent their sheer hatred of Steam on Valve's forums and other places of exchange. I also know that the Hammer Legionnaires will always be out in full force on the Steam forums. But the vast majority of us live in that rather large grey zone in-between.
OK, that's fair. you don't have to love it and you don't have to hate it.
i know i come off like a Steam fanboy at times. and the truth is i like Steam. a lot. but that's not blind fanboyism, but the result of a long time of thinking and deliberating and reading. when Steam launched, i hated it. i installed it only for HL2 and deleted it after i beat the game. i didn't use it for years afterwards, until i re-discovered it and for one reason or another started to appreciate it.
there are good reasons to like Steam, and somebody who does like it is not necessarily a blinded fanboy. just like somebody who criticizes Steam is not automatically a blind hater. he may have good reasons for his criticism.