carnival73: I was just joking but my original question was going to be if all three characters from those three different franchises were all meant to be the same character.
langurmonkey: So after the Max Payne games, he becomes a bestselling thriller novelist. Then the Alan Wake story starts and ends. Then he marries Catherine and is happy until one day getting in a car accident that cost him his life? Then he wakes up between heaven and hell?
They're all supernatural stories, however Painkiller and Max are obvious fantasy where as A. Wake touches on conspiracy philosophy involving the Law of Attraction and hits closer to home.
But I did honestly, for a time, thought that Painkiller was the next series of Max Paynes.
Stevedog13: Well at least all you guys have hair!
The best we baldies get is the anti-hero, the old mentor who has to die to motivate the real hero or something really odd like Powder.
Lol. My hair line went so far back and then stopped.. I've grown my hair past the base of my neck so now I've got the Richard O'Brian doo. XD