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IAmSinistar: NOW it's at a quarter. And it only took about two more days to do it since my post. Eh, that doesn't seem so good.
Haha...I can't believe you waited two full days for a comeback. I still hope really these guys reach their goal and then some so we get the best remake/reboot/relaunch/remaster HD edition we can possibly get. :D
stg83: Haha...I can't believe you waited two full days for a comeback. I still hope really these guys reach their goal and then some so we get the best remake/reboot/relaunch/remaster HD edition we can possibly get. :D
I didn't, I just happened to be tracking the game to see if it was going to be worth my contributing to. While I'd like to see it make, it's not looking as strong lately.
IAmSinistar: I didn't, I just happened to be tracking the game to see if it was going to be worth my contributing to. While I'd like to see it make, it's not looking as strong lately.
Hmm.. how so can you elaborate please, as in you think the developers aren't looking likely to do a good job on the HD remake or its not looking likely that they will reach there goal.
stg83: Hmm.. how so can you elaborate please, as in you think the developers aren't looking likely to do a good job on the HD remake or its not looking likely that they will reach there goal.
Oh, I think the devs would do quite well remaking it. I'm just not sure it will reach the funding goal now, giving that over the past 2 days it barely brought in $25,000, and that's likely to continue to taper downward as it goes on.

I'd still love to have the game, though. :)
IAmSinistar: Oh, I think the devs would do quite well remaking it. I'm just not sure it will reach the funding goal now, giving that over the past 2 days it barely brought in $25,000, and that's likely to continue to taper downward as it goes on.

I'd still love to have the game, though. :)
Indeed it does seem to be ticking over quite slowly, most probably that is why they have put it up for Steam Greenlight now to get more visibility. It is kind of ironic if you think about it as one of their main reasons for not doing Outcast 2 and doing an HD remake is to make the game more accessible for the mainstream modern audience as the original enjoys a cult classic status.

But in order to do the remake they are counting on that same niche audience that are fans of the original game which might not be enough to reach their funding goal of 600K in the end. Maybe they should have kept the goal a little lower around 400 to 450K and got more funding later through Paypal and early access ofrsomething like that. Like you, I still hope they make it but I do agree with you being cautious about supporting this kickstarter.
I'd like to see it make it. The big reservation I have right now is all of the talk about rebuilding from scratch to make it more playable on modern systems. If this is for updated graphics and textures, sure, that sounds fine to me. However, it also screams "consolization" to me, and I don't feel very good about supporting turning a PC classic masterpiece into that.

I'll probably get some shit for stating that, but I do play on consoles too. I just want console games to be console games though and my PC games to play to PC gaming's strengths.

IAmSinistar: They've garnered about $80,000 in roughly 24 hours of watching the funding, so they could very well make goal. That's provided the lion's share of the funding doesn't come in the first few days. Anyone seen a graph of the typical funding curve for such things?
In my experience, most of a project's funding comes in the first couple of days and then another big spike in funding in the last few remaining days. A good goal to hit is 50% in the first two days, but that can still be a little worrisome for a successful project and if it does indeed make it, they usually just barely get funded if they only hit 50% at the beginning.

Like groze said though, it's not exact. It's not a steady stream of funding. Some projects have been able to overcome a poor start, though a lot of that has to do with the will of the project creators to do whatever they can. I've seen some go to game forums and post very informative and helpful things to people who might be on the fence. Some projects try to get a spot on a gaming news website article. Usually these initiatives will provide a small jolt, but several small jolts can be all the difference on whether the project is funded or not.

Then, on the other hand, I've seen some that basically resort to spam self-advertising in game forums and comments. This often turns people off and when people asked why they should pledge, it was basically "Uhhh...cause we need da moneyz."
KyleKatarn: I'd like to see it make it. The big reservation I have right now is all of the talk about rebuilding from scratch to make it more playable on modern systems. If this is for updated graphics and textures, sure, that sounds fine to me. However, it also screams "consolization" to me...
The only sense in which that matters is if the Devs reduce the amount of control the player can have, over the game/character, in order to accommodate playing with a gamepad.

But that doesn't mean gamepad controls are intrinsically inconvenient or poor for strategic/complex gameplay; Witcher 2 and XCOM EU are both examples of games, from different genres even, that you can implement strategic/complex gameplay for gamepad usage, or in spite of it.

Hopefully the Devs take a note from such games when they're making the game gamepad compatible.
My wishes for the game and kickstarterpage (Hoping they'll read this):

- Table sheet for rewards (for easy comparing)
- Example images for statuetes and box contents.
- Adding physical artbook to lower rewards rather than $200 pack. (or adding mini-artbooks would be nice)
- It's amazing to see rotating moons but I think they are too close and too big spining around themselves. There must be consequences of that action such as collapsing together (
amuleth: My wishes for the game and kickstarterpage (Hoping they'll read this):

- Table sheet for rewards (for easy comparing)
- Example images for statuetes and box contents.
- Adding physical artbook to lower rewards rather than $200 pack. (or adding mini-artbooks would be nice)
- It's amazing to see rotating moons but I think they are too close and too big spining around themselves. There must be consequences of that action such as collapsing together (
The video is really promising by the way!
I agree on the moons spinning too fast, they attract a little too much attention. I would also change the color which seem to be a little too saturated, especially the grass.
Other than that, I really liked the video.
Well the funding has slowed down significantly, right now daily pledge rate is nowhere near where it should be to succeed.

What do you guys think, instead of trying to reach $600 000 right away, should they instead try to fund the project in 2 parts?...Like first try for $ 300 000, create great quality, playable demo, then with that demo try again in Kickstarter to get the rest of the funding or try early-access campaing on Steam. the latter worked well with Bugbear (developer of Flatout) with their "Next-Car-Game".... they couldnt get the funds they needed through Kickstarter, but then they created early-access campaing on Steam, after the game was community voted it among other Steam Greenlight projets and because of that playable demo they managed to reach more money than what they originally tried to get with Kickstarter
Post edited April 12, 2014 by Balnazzardi
I'm afraid that one of the greatest Kickstart projects could be the biggest fail.

They started with less presentation. Their Kickstart page looks very amateurish (they should have been check the successful projects), not enough to take attention of the new comers. No visual clues about the rewards, just words (they can grab the faithful followers but not the new ones). The weak presentation video is a huge letdown, nothing reflects the greatness of Outcast. The reimagining of Cutter looks an unimaginative American hero (maybe he was always like this in their mind but the old design has more realistic feeling due to a little bit ugliness) and gives a feeling he was taken from another scifi B-movie, nothing special in appareance and I don't think the updates will recover the lose of the big start.

They must think big, or come with a better prepared project.
Post edited April 12, 2014 by amuleth
amuleth: My wishes for the game and kickstarterpage (Hoping they'll read this):

- Table sheet for rewards (for easy comparing)
- Example images for statuetes and box contents.
- Adding physical artbook to lower rewards rather than $200 pack. (or adding mini-artbooks would be nice)
- It's amazing to see rotating moons but I think they are too close and too big spining around themselves. There must be consequences of that action such as collapsing together (
They probably won't, I suggest posting on the KS page if you can.

As for funding slowing down, well that sucks, but it was predictable. I hope they're working hard on advertising their efforts, etc.
I'll just say that when the backers themselves sound defeated in the comments section and keep talking about a second attempt in the future, it's not a good sign at all.
@ amuleth, ye I think they were relying too much on the old fanbase (which isnt that big to begin with) and the past critirical praise of the game from 15 years ago....They need to realise that no matter how much critical praise and great reviews it got back then, its going to matter little for those who dont know anything about Outcast....and with the lack of ingame content, its clear that the game is not too tempting for those people to put their money on this.

But I seriously hope that they take notes on this and try again, next time better prepared...also like I said, trying to fund the project in 2 parts could be easier, especially if it would help them to create enough content to make playable demo, which would the best way to help boost the funding in 2nd part. All in all I just hope they dont give up.
groze: I'll just say that when the backers themselves sound defeated in the comments section and keep talking about a second attempt in the future, it's not a good sign at all.
I hope they succeed, but that doesn't stop me seeing things as they are.

If it matters, then all KS projects see a slow down after some time, but fortunately that's followed by a period of increased funding as things get down to the wire. Who knows, this one might be like that.