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IAmSinistar: *snip*
I sure hope they have a contingency plan as you said they have a lot of pre-existing assets that they are re-using but what concerns me is that they already mentioned it as a reason for turning to Kickstarter. According to them 600K is what they need to make this reboot despite not having to spend money on the story, the voices and the music. Well I guess only time will tell how it all pans out for them after the Kickstarter ends whether as intended or not.
In case of failure, my bet would be that they re-work their Kickstarter presentation and pledges and (why not) prepare a working prototype for everyone to try. And then they would succeed.
The team already TRIED to find publisher, but soon figured out it was just a waste of time:

Either publisher were not interested, told that European game wouldnt be succesfull in America or they requested ridicilous amounts of the game's profits and that it would need to be done "tomorrow"...

And I already said that they could try to fund the project in 2 parts, if they simply cant afford to go much futher than they already have....first try to get enough funds (200 000-300 000) to complete some of the game, enough to create fully playable demo that would be as great quality as the finish product and with that on their hands they could then try to get the rest of the funding. Bugbear's "Next-Car-Game" is perfect example how it first failed in Kickstarter, but then with the playable demo released on Steam's early-accesss, they managed to get more funds than they originally sought with their Kickstarter campaing.
Oh, nice. I wish I had some extra money to pledge :P
IAmSinistar: The rise of Kickstarter and similar sites has created a kind of goldrush mentality unfortunately, wherein developers and inventors see it as the easy path to getting funding. It is far less risky (to them) than more conventional funding sources, and when they see the huge amounts that some projects bring in, they become unrealistically optimistic about their own chances (as well as their own budgets).

Thanks, pretty much the way I ended up seeing and feeling about the current crowdfunding model.
Balnazzardi: If that's not gonna happen, then the only other choice I see for this project is to fund it in 2 parts, first to create as much as they can with 300 000 for example, provide great quality, playable demo and with card to play they hopefullly would get voted in Steam Greenlight (if it still would exists, I heard that Greenlight is going to be replaced with something else) and get to early-access campaing, where they could be more succesfull with that playable demo.
It's a sound plan, but I don't think many backers would support it. A few are willing to pledge just to do whatever they can to help, but most of us need a reason to buy*. If the project creators are up front about what they're doing (which I strongly feel they need to be), most people will look at it and think, "They want me to pledge so that I can test a demo later? Yeah right. Next!" Of course, the project creators could just not tell backers that they are planning on only making a demo and then getting the rest of the funding somewhere else, but I would be greatly offended if I was deceived like that.

Even if a lot of people might be willing to fund a demo, they would not be happy about funding it while other people decided to just wait for the second funding effort.

*In Kickstarter, it's a reason to pledge instead, because everyone says it's not a store.
What DRM is planned?
Steam for sure...
Klumpen0815: What DRM is planned?
Steam for sure...
"Will the game be DRM free?

We are planning the release on GOG (DRM free) as well as Steam. We will also run our own online shop and that will also be DRM free."

They aren't even greenlit yet.
Balnazzardi: The team already TRIED to find publisher, but soon figured out it was just a waste of time:

Either publisher were not interested, told that European game wouldnt be succesfull in America or they requested ridicilous amounts of the game's profits and that it would need to be done "tomorrow"...

And I already said that they could try to fund the project in 2 parts, if they simply cant afford to go much futher than they already have....first try to get enough funds (200 000-300 000) to complete some of the game, enough to create fully playable demo that would be as great quality as the finish product and with that on their hands they could then try to get the rest of the funding. Bugbear's "Next-Car-Game" is perfect example how it first failed in Kickstarter, but then with the playable demo released on Steam's early-accesss, they managed to get more funds than they originally sought with their Kickstarter campaing.
Or instead of calling it a demo, call it Pt 1 and Pt 2.
Post edited April 16, 2014 by Niggles
cmdr_flashheart: Or instead of calling it a demo, call it Pt 1 and Pt 2.
It would be quite difficult to do that with Outcast though, because it's an open-world game.
Ye, I wouldnt go for releasing the game in two (like 50-50 ) parts either....

Anyway I think if they could only complete Shamazaar (and the first area Ranzaar) first with smaller budget and release that as demo, I think funding the rest of the project could be much easier...sure there wouldnt be as much funders for just a demo, but I think 100 000 wouldnt be impossible to achieve.

Anyways unless there would be somekind of miracle, its quite clear that the game wont reach its 600 000 goal with so little ingame content available. I really do hope that the game gets made and that it would attract new fans, but those players who have never even heard about Outcast, need something really concrete like playable demo, or atleast much more gameplay material, before they would jump in.....and even though the original version is available here at GoG, even if they would give the original game for free, It might help the situation, but wouldnt be enough. I know there are many who would just say "ugh, this looks and feels too old for me"
Post edited April 17, 2014 by Balnazzardi
Klumpen0815: What DRM is planned?
Steam for sure...
Phasmid: "Will the game be DRM free?

We are planning the release on GOG (DRM free) as well as Steam. We will also run our own online shop and that will also be DRM free."

They aren't even greenlit yet.
The trend line has dropped below the goal now, pretty much at the time I expected. Again, this doesn't spell the end, but given the glacial rate of funding increases now it does seem to augur difficult times for their effort.
And it continues to drop down below 300 000 at this current rate....I know there will be likely boost during final week, but heck each day there has been less and less people funding, today's pledge rate could be below $1000. So ye if that new gameplay footage doesnt boost the funding significantly (which I unfortunately doubt), then its going to be hard time for them to reach more than 50-60% of their goal.

Like I said the best option for them seems to be funding this project in two parts. Difficult to get anyone's attention when there is so little to show at this early development stage.