fr33kSh0w2012: I'll give some examples
Oblivions Orrery Should have been included in the normal game
horse armor should have been included
battlethorn castle should have been included as well as froscrag spire and the other "hide outs"
I reckon Nights of the nine and shivering isles as the only real differing content at all. the rest of them were basic tacked on mods.
I like how all your examples are from one game, and the first game to ever really use modern DLC as well. Got anything more recent? Also, all that Oblivion shit was pretty superfluous and hardly impacted the worth of the main game, which was immense.
I agree shit like the locked Orrey door and Dragon Age's "hey partner get the DLC so I can give you a quest" is bad. It's rare though, and the industry was still feeling this shit out at those points. They don't instantly have full grasp on the best methods to utilize digitally distributed expansion content on day one, sorry, they're not superhuman.
Some of you take DLC so personally and assume so much around it that it seems like you're looking for reasons to be pissed off. I bought Mass Effect 2 and it was a 40 hour game worth every bit of it's $50 price. I bought a few of the expansions because they were 5 hours or so and featured good content, worth the price. I skipped some of the other DLC because it was minor and not worth the price. It's a very simple process really... like any game, or any media content, you buy it if you think it's worth it and skip it otherwise.