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EDIT: Realized my post was a bit long winded.


Trine 2 got new DLC.

That new DLC is $8 for a bit of a content extension for what was originally a $15 game. At this point, I'm not really all that interested in it. Usually I am totally okay with the costs of DLC since it's usually proportional to the cost of the game ($50 games get $10 DLC, $10 games get $2 DLC, etc.) but this just seems a bit higher than I'm usually willing to pay.

I would be willing to change that opinion if someone can confirm that it's at least half the original game's content (like 3-4 hour range), but at this point, it just seems a bit overpriced.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by johnki
Nice, looks interesting. Did not know there was an DLC for Trine 2. Think I will pick this up later (when I have the time to play...), more Trine is a good thing.
amok: Nice, looks interesting. Did not know there was an DLC for Trine 2. Think I will pick this up later (when I have the time to play...), more Trine is a good thing.
Heh, glad you're interested. Personally, I'd be much more interested in it if it were $5. Times are tight, and I like costs to add up. The only reason I own all of the Saints Row 3 DLC is that the franchise pack was on sale for like 1/4 the cost of the base game. >.>
amok: Nice, looks interesting. Did not know there was an DLC for Trine 2. Think I will pick this up later (when I have the time to play...), more Trine is a good thing.
johnki: Heh, glad you're interested. Personally, I'd be much more interested in it if it were $5. Times are tight, and I like costs to add up. The only reason I own all of the Saints Row 3 DLC is that the franchise pack was on sale for like 1/4 the cost of the base game. >.>
nah, I have no problem giving Frozenbyte some of my money as long as they give me games like this
amok: nah, I have no problem giving Frozenbyte some of my money as long as they give me games like this
You mind posting back here about how long the DLC is once you've gotten it?
amok: nah, I have no problem giving Frozenbyte some of my money as long as they give me games like this
johnki: You mind posting back here about how long the DLC is once you've gotten it?
sure, will not be in this or next week though, to busy with work right now, can't afford getting into any games at the moment...
Post edited September 06, 2012 by amok
If it was a just a minor extension I would agree with the OP, but as far as I'm concerned it's actually well-made and not too short when comparing to the main game. Still waiting for the game's release on
semu: If it was a just a minor extension I would agree with the OP, but as far as I'm concerned it's actually well-made and not too short when comparing to the main game. Still waiting for the game's release on
Well, it appears that way. I'm definitely liking some of the environments shown off. I'm just worried it isn't. Like I said, I'd have never bought a lot of the Saints Row DLC, or Dungeon Defenders DLC if it weren't for sales.

Dungeon Defenders is a MAJOR offender of overpriced content. $5 for the opposite gender versions of the base classes. That's nuts!

Oh, and I edited the post to say the same thing in shorter form without the slightly dramatic tone to it.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by johnki
At the risk of being torn to pieces by the more militant opponents of DRM- this is what Steam sales are for.
4 bucks here but eww, steam. I'll probably just buy another Trine 2 and pretend I paid for the DLC.

edit: and the whole Frozenbyte collection is $7, while I paid $24 for another T2 gift code. Ethical piracy is not cheap.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by Starmaker
BlackMageJ: At the risk of being torn to pieces by the more militant opponents of DRM- this is what Steam sales are for.
Truth. The entire Trine 2 collection will be 75% off in 3.5 months.

Er, the complete pack is 75% off now, but for people who just want the DLC the packs and individuals will probably be 75% off in December.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by mondo84
BlackMageJ: At the risk of being torn to pieces by the more militant opponents of DRM- this is what Steam sales are for.
I think I'll just wait for the indie bundle so I can play it in Linux and without Steam for a good price. ;)
BlackMageJ: At the risk of being torn to pieces by the more militant opponents of DRM- this is what Steam sales are for.
Skunk: I think I'll just wait for the indie bundle so I can play it in Linux and without Steam for a good price. ;)
Just hope that the indie bundle will get a lot of sales so the DLC will be added as a free bonus after the first week (or first few days, or whatever) ;-)
Is the DLC/game worth the price tag for me?

Yes-> buying it.

No-> waiting for a deal that appeals to me.

That is why I willingly paid 70$ for ME 3, 30$ for Grimrock but only 5$ for MW2. And still considered cheated by getting Bit.trip Runner for free.

End of story.

EDIT: Realized my post was a bit long winded.


Trine 2 got new DLC.

That new DLC is $8 for a bit of a content extension for what was originally a $15 game. At this point, I'm not really all that interested in it. Usually I am totally okay with the costs of DLC since it's usually proportional to the cost of the game ($50 games get $10 DLC, $10 games get $2 DLC, etc.) but this just seems a bit higher than I'm usually willing to pay.

I would be willing to change that opinion if someone can confirm that it's at least half the original game's content (like 3-4 hour range), but at this point, it just seems a bit overpriced.
I believe this was what I played at PAX, it's content they added for the WiiU version. It didn't look insubstantial, but I only played 10 minutes or so of it.