enclaver: No man, my definition of finished is to release a game that has minimum bugs as possible, all core elements fully operational, include cosmetic changes that they sell sometimes in a paid game (portal), game that you can FINISH without dlc (fallout 3)
And I wanted to say that if upgrade to a game that has only more playtime of the same can't cost half of the base value. Yes 2 more skills, but in my opinion that's not such a big deal. They could have made a new character, maybe even new mode or something.
Frozenbyte is not even slightly bad as some big companies, but I hate to see that Indies are doing this too.
But, I'm glad that you have already agreed with yourself, so I will not bother you anymore.
I have to ask one question. Have you ever purchased an expansion pack for a PC game? This isn't new behavior, and just because it's DLC doesn't mean that it's removed from the game so it can be sold later. It's been a year since Trine 2 was released (Give or take 2-3 months), so I think it's fairly safe to say that this wasn't held back for release.