F1ach: Well, I tend not to buy games from Steam if possible, but hopefully the game will be fixed and released, I loved Dead Island, so hopefully it may turn out like that. :)
misfire200: Do not get your hopes up...this was a complete failure of a game and will continue to be a failure. The developers have and are only in it for a quick cash grab. They saw the popularity of Day Z and tried to quickly jump in to the mix. Unlike what the developers claimed, this game has not/was not in development before the Day Z mod came into existence.
Now, I have no problems had War Z been developed and been purposely made into a good game. It was rushed (they mainly took there crappy war inc game, slapped some new features into it, redid the camera and came up with some slightly better textured graphics and are calling it War Z). Even the name War Z was chosen to hopefully get a majority of the Day Z followers to buy it, not too mention to hopefully coerce half the populace into thinking it is the standalone Day Z game.
Finally, the developers have already stated once they made enough money they were no longer going to support it. It is a complete money grab, plain and simple.
OK thanks for the heads up, I hadnt heard about the game until this thread, so I have no knowledge whatsoever about it :)