BlueMooner: Apparently I had an old EA acct as Origin said my email was already linked, so I don't feel bad about getting a free game. I've never played the Mass Effect games and was thinking of getting one. Whatever I get I won't be playing for some time. Should I get 2 and hope that 1 will be cheaper when I get around to playing, or should I just get 1 and be done with it? Anybody know what Pinnacle Station DLC for ME is? Seems I can't get both 1 + PS for the free $20.
Honestly I wouldn't worry about Pinnacle Station, it is regarded as the worst DLC by the fans as it's only a selection of time trials and horde modes, it does give some extra EXP but nothing from it carries over into ME2 or ME3.
I have heard it will be included for free in the upcoming Mass Effect Trilogy PC set so it may be worth waiting to check that out.
Also if you do get it save it for near end game since any weapons you get are based on your level so if you want high end weapons from it wait until level 45 and up.