McDon: Spoilers Alert:
Just warning as I don't know how people will reply.
I actually quite liked it. It may not be quite on par with the LotR movies, which is as expected, but it was rather nice, though I'm still not sure how to feel about the fact that I won't get to see the actual conclusion of the whole thing for another four years (at least I assume they're doing this one in two-year intervals again). Its more light-hearted story definitely made for a fun experience. Gollum's scene was quite funny, despite being a rather small part here.
I actually happened to see the 3D version. Not on purpose, but timing-wise it just worked out that way. As outspoken as I usually am about such a feature, I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the result. This is one of the rare movies where it really works. No gimmicks of any kind, but a very distinct sense of depth, especially during some of the beautiful landscape shots.