squamulus: Both gamers and devs can use it. The distinguishing features are focused on developers, though.
So it is marketed toward devs.
Our conversation has lead to some great information about competing platforms, which I think more than justifies posting here. =) I'd love to hear some other places you think would be even better suited.
GameDev and the Unity forums come to mind. While we do have some amateur (and not so amateur) devs here, this is largely a game playing forum, so this just reeks of poorly targeted advertising.
And everything I have said is pretty common knowledge. So if you don't know that already, I strongly question if your finger is truly on the pulse of indie/"open source' gaming.
Our platform isn't really a mod database website. It is a c++ environment that provides a set of APIs and standards for modular game development. Included in this is a system for browsing, buying, and integrating other developers' modules and middleware.
So you are trying to make an Impulse Reactor-esque approach. Or Steamworks :p
Obviously, developers would have to use Open GL/SDL to be cross platform. What distinguishes us from steam in this case is that developers selling through steam still need to port their game to mac. Steam does nothing to allow games to be more cross platform than they were previously.
They don't need to port their game to mac. They just need to provide Steam with the executables for the Mac version.
Our platform actually abstracts away the OS and handles system calls, etc. So a developer can build a game once and distribute to mac/linux/pc without having to port it.
But making it tied to your platform and killing performance. Yeah, that is going to be loved by people who are already weary of DRM.
Since we are a development environment, not a website, we can offer a bit more than these, technologically. We also provide a system to exchange and monetize middleware, which I don't think these do.
The question is if that would even be good for the indie community. But that is a different debate.
But I do see monetizing things hurting, if anything. People are a lot less likely to help people when they are on a service that is about selling your help.
I hadn't heard that Stardock and Elemental were getting into that space and I'd definitely like to learn about it. Do you have links to any articles I could read?
Haven't read any official announcements on it, but go look at some press releases for Reactor, or the dev diaries for Elemental.