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StingingVelvet: It's not like Mass Effect 3 is going to launch here (though if it did that would be AWESOME).
if they pulled that off I'd pay more than the cost anywhere else quite happily
jungletoad: I wish GOG would just create a linked sister site called Good New Games (GNG).
StingingVelvet: No offense, but I think the last thing most people want is to suddenly juggle two different sites, two different logins and two different forums.

GOG will still focus on old games. They are just adding new games when the opportunity presents itself, which is good because it means we get them DRM free from our favorite site. It's not like Mass Effect 3 is going to launch here (though if it did that would be AWESOME).
I don't think you need two logins. One login could give you access to both sites and you could have all of your games on the same shelf.

And no offense, but I think that as the new games start to take focus and the old games fade into the background, many of the current community members will wish they had separate forums for old and new.

Admittedly, the one problem with my plan however, is that it would be easier for new games business to grow within the already solid success of GOG, then it would be to grow relatively independently. Certainly a beginning with only a handful of new games on their own GNG site would look kind of pathetic, whereas building it into the existing GOG makes it seem like a cool new development. But long term, I think it will hurt the retro community in GOG to have the new and old integrated.
jungletoad: And no offense, but I think that as the new games start to take focus and the old games fade into the background
Why are you assuming this will happen?
jungletoad: And no offense, but I think that as the new games start to take focus and the old games fade into the background
StingingVelvet: Why are you assuming this will happen?
because wheres the fun if you can't spread a little FUD?
Stuff: Dear GOG,

Release every good game on the planet DRM free regardless of release year. Thanks . . . =)
gyokzoli: I fixed it for you. ;-)
Needs to be more generalized!

>> Release every good game in the known UNIVERSE DRM free regardless of release year. Thanks . . .
StingingVelvet: Why are you assuming this will happen?
wodmarach: because wheres the fun if you can't spread a little FUD?
It's frustrating that people won't take some of us seriously even if you disagree with us. I don't see Jungletoad as speading Fear, Uncertainty, and Death, Doubt, but more like concern about the changes. Adding new games is another thing for the Good Ol' Games people to handle; hopefully the funds will be available to hire more staff to take care of these changes, as even though I'm concerned, I see that many people here are positive about it.
tfishell: It's frustrating that people won't take some of us seriously even if you disagree with us. I don't see Jungletoad as speading Fear, Uncertainty, and Death, Doubt, but more like concern about the changes. Adding new games is another thing for the Good Ol' Games people to handle; hopefully the funds will be available to hire more staff to take care of these changes, as even though I'm concerned, I see that many people here are positive about it.
I'm not discounting the possibility that if the newer games GOG releases sell much more they will take staff and priority away from getting those remaining classics. I was just wondering why he was treating that as a foregone conclusion. There's a LOT of other sites selling new game already, so breaking into that market on the side and having it overwhelm the normal business focus would be pretty surprising.
tfishell: It's frustrating that people won't take some of us seriously even if you disagree with us. I don't see Jungletoad as speading Fear, Uncertainty, and Death, Doubt, but more like concern about the changes. Adding new games is another thing for the Good Ol' Games people to handle; hopefully the funds will be available to hire more staff to take care of these changes, as even though I'm concerned, I see that many people here are positive about it.
StingingVelvet: I'm not discounting the possibility that if the newer games GOG releases sell much more they will take staff and priority away from getting those remaining classics. I was just wondering why he was treating that as a foregone conclusion. There's a LOT of other sites selling new game already, so breaking into that market on the side and having it overwhelm the normal business focus would be pretty surprising.
Okay, I think I see what you're saying. Thanks.
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (at least, I haven't seen it).

Newer games, in theory, should be much easier to get working in the newer version of Windows because.. well.. they will likely be written for them. Also, more likely to have access to the source code means the developers/publishers/GOG can nice and cleanly remove the DRM.

This means there should be very little (in comparison to older games) overhead in getting the newer games ready for release... but they will result in increased revenue for GOG.

Increased revenue == more people able to work at GOG == more people to get the older games working.

So it is possible that those concerned with a decrease in focus on old games find that the exact opposite happens. Releases of old games may very well ramp up! :)

Personally, I think the more games GOG sells (following their principles) the better :)
jungletoad: And no offense, but I think that as the new games start to take focus and the old games fade into the background
StingingVelvet: Why are you assuming this will happen?
I'm assuming this because the other sites that sell old games and new (Steam, D2D, Gamersgate, etc) all seem to have a heavy emphasis on the new games coming in, and less on the old.

GOG has a different feel when you visit the site. It's like a time machine into gaming's past. We see artwork from old games on the main page, interviews with classic developers, and there is excitement and hype about classic games becoming readily available again. GOG's unique feel comes largely from the fact that it doesn't have new games, so adding them naturally changes that.

And this isn't to say I don't love new titles and wouldn't love to by my new titles DRM free. I just think there is a retro culture that gog has created that I am grateful for and appreciate, so I want to protect it. It's possible, maybe even probable, that GOG will have a hard time getting developers to release new titles DRM free, so we'll only see a trickle of new games coming to the site, so it won't have that big of an impact on the culture. I'm just concerned because from what I have read it sounds like they want to compete with Steam, and competing with Steam means you have to focus on the new titles because that's where the big money is at. You can't do that and keep the current GOG retro culture. It's just not logically possible without doing something like creating a sister site.
tfishell: It's frustrating that people won't take some of us seriously even if you disagree with us. I don't see Jungletoad as speading Fear, Uncertainty, and Death, Doubt, but more like concern about the changes. Adding new games is another thing for the Good Ol' Games people to handle; hopefully the funds will be available to hire more staff to take care of these changes, as even though I'm concerned, I see that many people here are positive about it.
StingingVelvet: I'm not discounting the possibility that if the newer games GOG releases sell much more they will take staff and priority away from getting those remaining classics. I was just wondering why he was treating that as a foregone conclusion. There's a LOT of other sites selling new game already, so breaking into that market on the side and having it overwhelm the normal business focus would be pretty surprising.
I think for most of us GoG is more than just a digital DL site - it's a warm community of like-minded people who loves old games because many of us grew up with them. Many of us may have the money to buy new super-rigs that can max out Crysis and yet we spend a large portion of our time playing old games because we are not graphics whores. If we were to see a paradigm-shift from old to new games here on GoG and hence a shift in the community where more and more younger gamers would join GoG then that could destroy the sense of community that we have here. It's that sense of fellowship that makes GoG unique. I buy a ton of games on Steam and yet Steam is nothing more than an online store to me. The culture we have here on the forums are great and we can avoid most of the retards, fanboys, spammers and jackasses that plague most forums. If GoG began to shift their focus to new games because they can make more money that way then I think they would loose many of us oldtimers.
With that said though let me just for the record say that I'm not opposed to new games here on GoG as long as 70-80% of their focus is on older games. But then again how many of us oldtimers can remember loving Electrronic Arts or Activison 15 years ago when these companiies where great and now they have been taken over by corporate greed - I just hope the same will not happen to GoG.
jungletoad: I'm assuming this because the other sites that sell old games and new (Steam, D2D, Gamersgate, etc) all seem to have a heavy emphasis on the new games coming in, and less on the old.

GOG has a different feel when you visit the site. It's like a time machine into gaming's past. We see artwork from old games on the main page, interviews with classic developers, and there is excitement and hype about classic games becoming readily available again. GOG's unique feel comes largely from the fact that it doesn't have new games, so adding them naturally changes that.
I think what they have discovered though is that the majority of people here are like me: we love GOG for being DRM free, offering no-hassle installers you can backup, and for offering bonus items with every game. If the survey showed them that most people are here to play older games and the rest of that secondly they would not have made this decision.

jungletoad: And this isn't to say I don't love new titles and wouldn't love to by my new titles DRM free. I just think there is a retro culture that gog has created that I am grateful for and appreciate, so I want to protect it. It's possible, maybe even probable, that GOG will have a hard time getting developers to release new titles DRM free, so we'll only see a trickle of new games coming to the site, so it won't have that big of an impact on the culture. I'm just concerned because from what I have read it sounds like they want to compete with Steam, and competing with Steam means you have to focus on the new titles because that's where the big money is at. You can't do that and keep the current GOG retro culture. It's just not logically possible without doing something like creating a sister site.
And I appreciate that culture as well. I don't think it will inherently change though. For one thing the focus of the site will still be on classics re-released DRM free. The Q&A talks about 1-3 year old games, which are still "old" by some approximation. In other words people will not be gathering here to purchase the latest releases hot off the imaginary presses. It will still be a site focused on archiving and backups of classic PC games.

And really, isn't every community varied? There are people here who play modern PC games, people here who switched to consoles years ago, people here who don't play anything released in the last decade, people here who love the 80's games, the 90's games, the 2000's games. There are people here who dismiss an RPG if you don't need to draw a map for it or if it's not turn-based and also people here who love action RPGs like Gothic.

More variety isn't really bad, or that different from what we have already.
wodmarach: because wheres the fun if you can't spread a little FUD?
tfishell: It's frustrating that people won't take some of us seriously even if you disagree with us. I don't see Jungletoad as speading Fear, Uncertainty, and Death, Doubt, but more like concern about the changes. Adding new games is another thing for the Good Ol' Games people to handle; hopefully the funds will be available to hire more staff to take care of these changes, as even though I'm concerned, I see that many people here are positive about it.
New games will have DRM free installers, the GOG staff doesn't even have to do all the compatibility work they currently do to strip out or disable DRM OR makes fixes to make it work on newer OSes.

Why on Earth do you think this will steal resources from the existing staff? It's possible something bad will come of it, but it doesn't even seem likely, rationally looking at it.
As long as this community stays awesome as it is. And the games will be playable,DRM Free, cheap and with extras, all I can say is go for it GOG!!! *hic*
meudoland: if u GOG starts to publish NEW games, im not going to buy them immediately, because, as said, i look for OLD games.
Sorry, but there's no way I can put it nicely. That's just dumb. As in 'special' dumb.

I think that if you want to be the voice of the people you're going to need to do at least two things better. Firstly you're going to have to do a better job of actually understanding what the general public response is. Secondly you're actually going to have to put forward your opinions in an intelligent and agreeable manner that takes into account the views expressed.

You on the other hand have simply thrown out your own opinion without even bothering to do so much as to write "you" properly and thought it would carry moe weight if you claimed everyone thinks the same. They don't.