Andy_Panthro: Let's see them put their money where their mouth is...
This should be interesting.
I wonder if we'll get any extra info on Gaikai soon as well?
How Onlive Works
Powerful Gaming Made Easy
* Connect to OnLive with your TV, PC or Mac and start a game
* Your game runs in a state-of-the-art OnLive game server center
* OnLive connects you to game servers through the Internet,
instantly sending your controller actions upstream and the results back downstream at
blinding fast speeds * Enjoy ultra high-performance gameplay on your
TV or entry-level PC or Mac
These (in bold) are the key points for me.
I'm sure they can send the "high resolution" images back, and while it technically will have that many pixels in it, it'll be HIGHLY compressed with massive compression artifacts in it. Kinda like how digital download "HD Movies" compare to Blu-Ray Movies.
It'll probably be "good enough" for some people, but I don't think it'll be the paradigm shift they want it to be.
Aliasalpha: And so begins the age of magic...
Oh I LOVE diagrams
like these, they're so pretty and shiny and fucking useless. Instead of Broadband Internet the cloud might as well just say "Magic" though it could do with some sparkly stars
I'll be interested in a review if anyone here gets into the beta
Oh oh... I want a "magic" could... then it could be my internet and do my dishes as well!!!
But on another note, I signed up for the beta, and I'll let you know if I get in.