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I've recently noticed myself that several of my favorite FPS and RTS games can only offer me online gaming with cheaters 5 times out of 10. So I do not wish to play those games online anymore. So I need a new game that offers me online gaming without cheaters because I love playing with and against people . Are there any PC FPS and RTS games out there that offer cheater free online gaming or do I have to switch to consoles for that? Blizzard seems to take cheating very seriously unlike some other companies. Do Blizzard games like Starcraft 2 offer online gaming without cheaters?
Post edited February 02, 2013 by langurmonkey
Hi! I assure you , Blizzard takes cheating seriously! I regularly play Starcraft 2 online seeing how it's my favorite game! I have never encountered cheaters! I highly recommend you give it a try!
cosminm: Hi! I assure you , Blizzard takes cheating seriously! I regularly play Starcraft 2 online seeing how it's my favorite game! I have never encountered cheaters! I highly recommend you give it a try!
What about Starcraft 1? Do people still play it and does Blizzard take care of cheaters for that game? Not sure, because the game is very old.
cosminm: Hi! I assure you , Blizzard takes cheating seriously! I regularly play Starcraft 2 online seeing how it's my favorite game! I have never encountered cheaters! I highly recommend you give it a try!
langurmonkey: What about Starcraft 1? Do people still play it and does Blizzard take care of cheaters for that game? Not sure, because the game is very old.
Yes, the community is still very active in Starcraft Brood War! Also, there is almost no cheating. The same is with Warcraft 3. The only bad thing about these is that the players are very skilled and you could get frustrated from losing a lot of games until you get to master the game.
Yes I take cheaters VERY SERIOUSLY. I refuse to play ALL ONLINE GAMES
langurmonkey: What about Starcraft 1? Do people still play it and does Blizzard take care of cheaters for that game? Not sure, because the game is very old.
cosminm: Yes, the community is still very active in Starcraft Brood War! Also, there is almost no cheating. The same is with Warcraft 3. The only bad thing about these is that the players are very skilled and you could get frustrated from losing a lot of games until you get to master the game.
I don't mind because at least there is hope at the end of the tunnel. If you play enough, one day, you will be a master. With cheaters, there is no hope unless you become a cheater too.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by langurmonkey
fr33kSh0w2012: Yes I take cheaters VERY SERIOUSLY. I refuse to play ALL ONLINE GAMES
Why? Not all online games are infested with cheaters.
fr33kSh0w2012: Yes I take cheaters VERY SERIOUSLY. I refuse to play ALL ONLINE GAMES
langurmonkey: Why? Not all online games are infested with cheaters.
99.99% are infested with these fucking cockroach cheaters

which ones aren't I'd like to know please!
Blizzard DOES take online cheating seriously but they also kill of a lot of their fan base (ME) by making the accesibility of their games such a pain in the ass. It may very well be a double edge sword but I sure hope not; with the right companions online gaming can be a blast.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by tinyE
I'm yet to encounter an online game on PC that isn't infested with cheaters. Hell, you even see them on consoles nowadays. I'm playing Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed on the PS3, and there are apparently a small number of people who have managed lap times of 8 or 9 seconds where everyone else can't beat 35-40 seconds.

Hence why I don't even bother with online gaming nowadays. There are just too many cunts online for it to be worthwhile.
the ultimate game, no cheating and lifespan for the rest of your life:


another as far as i am aware of cheater free multiplayer game is Blood Bowl. Both the Cyanide's and the free java based fumbbl variant.


both Go and BB are turn based, but with timelimit so the games can be over very fast if you like that way.

Also both are full of leagues and history: BB some thirty years and Go maybe couple thousand - anyways atleast Go wont have any balance or patch issues ;)
jamyskis: I'm yet to encounter an online game on PC that isn't infested with cheaters. Hell, you even see them on consoles nowadays. I'm playing Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed on the PS3, and there are apparently a small number of people who have managed lap times of 8 or 9 seconds where everyone else can't beat 35-40 seconds.

Hence why I don't even bother with online gaming nowadays. There are just too many cunts online for it to be worthwhile.
WOW, even Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed on PS3 can not escape cheaters... What a world we live in...
langurmonkey: WOW, even Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed on PS3 can not escape cheaters... What a world we live in...
The laugh of it is, nobody will even recognise the names or bother to remember them.

I really don't understand the mentality behind cheating. What is the point of trying to look 'cool' to a bunch of people around the world that don't know you or give a shit about you? Do these people get some kind of perverse sexual pleasure from seeing their name at the top of a ranking list? Is it some kind of porn substitute to wank off to?
It's about griefing, which is basically a severe version of beating your opponent, which is what every competitive game is about really. So I don't really think it's that hard to understand the mentality behind it. It's just a horrid practice because it ruins other players games on an uneven field.
This might only be an impression, but I think TBS games usually have less hacking in them. At least, I don't recall ever meeting a hacker playing one of them.