It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated
We've just checked the support form in IE6 version 6.0.2900.2180 and it works fine... However, as previous poster stated, older 6.0.2800.1106 does not. Unfortunately, that's the "beauty" of IE6 - there is a lot of different versions (depending on installed SP for example), each with it's own problems and bugs.
Bearcat33, what IE6 version are you using? My advice would be to make sure that you're using the most recent IE6 version possible or - what's probably the best solution here - upgrade to IE7 or IE8 or Firefox, as each of these will be superior to IE6. While we try do maintain compatibility with older browsers, the website is and will be always optimized for the latest browsers. The reason is, older versions are buggy, offer terrible JS performance not to mention security issues that endanger your computer (that's especially true for IE6). Considering there are hundreds of IE6 versions, I'm sure there's more than few that will cause problem with our website (especially among the older ones).
Post edited June 01, 2009 by Destro
Destro: We've just checked the support form in IE6 version 6.0.2900.2180 and it works fine... However, as previous poster stated, older 6.0.2800.1106 does not. Unfortunately, that's the "beauty" of IE6 - there is a lot of different versions (depending on installed SP for example), each with it's own problems and bugs.
Bearcat33, what IE6 version are you using? My advice would be to make sure that you're using the most recent IE6 version possible or - what's probably the best solution here - upgrade to IE7 or IE8 or Firefox, as each of these will be superior to IE6. While we try do maintain compatibility with older browsers, the website is and will be always optimized for the latest browsers. The reason is, older versions are buggy, offer terrible JS performance not to mention security issues that endanger your computer (that's especially true for IE6). Considering there are hundreds of IE6 versions, I'm sure there's more than few that will cause problem with our website (especially among the older ones).

Use Firefox and be happy. :)
CDRiccio: Use Firefox and be happy. :)

Use Opera and you willl be even more happy :)
Post edited June 01, 2009 by kScope
Before my work upgraded to IE7, the half the buttons on the GoG website/forums didn't work or show up for me. IE6 is really not very well compatible with the site, I can attest to that from personal experience. For example, reply and edit buttons in the forum were invisible... so I'm not surprised you aren't seeing all the necessary keys.
CDRiccio: Use Firefox and be happy. :)
kScope: Use Opera and you willl be even more happy :)

Yeah... I like Opera a lot too.
I use Firefox over it just b/c it's a little more light weight.
kScope: Use Opera and you willl be even more happy :)
CDRiccio: Yeah... I like Opera a lot too.
I use Firefox over it just b/c it's a little more light weight.

I prefer Opera over Firefox for a number of reasons, but it still has its own annoyances (one of them being that nobody cares if their site works with Opera or not).
CDRiccio: Yeah... I like Opera a lot too.
I use Firefox over it just b/c it's a little more light weight.
Mentalepsy: I prefer Opera over Firefox for a number of reasons, but it still has its own annoyances (one of them being that nobody cares if their site works with Opera or not).

That's actually one of the main reasons I stopped using it.
I still have it installed on my home PC and use it when I need to.
I have Opera Mini on my phone too. That's works pretty well for a phone that normally wouldn't browse the interwebz.
Mentalepsy: I prefer Opera over Firefox for a number of reasons, but it still has its own annoyances (one of them being that nobody cares if their site works with Opera or not).
CDRiccio: That's actually one of the main reasons I stopped using it.
I still have it installed on my home PC and use it when I need to.
I have Opera Mini on my phone too. That's works pretty well for a phone that normally wouldn't browse the interwebz.

I think the Wii uses a version of Opera, as well.
I don't get the NERD RAGE that some people get into over browsers, though. No matter what browser you use, somebody is going to take it as a personal insult. It's as bad as with operating systems.
I like Opera, other people like Firefox, other people like IE. Great, let's all download the latest updates and then go out for a steak. :p
Post edited June 01, 2009 by Mentalepsy
CDRiccio: That's actually one of the main reasons I stopped using it.
I still have it installed on my home PC and use it when I need to.
I have Opera Mini on my phone too. That's works pretty well for a phone that normally wouldn't browse the interwebz.
Mentalepsy: I think the Wii uses a version of Opera, as well.
I don't get the NERD RAGE that some people get into over browsers, though. No matter what browser you use, somebody is going to take it as a personal insult. It's as bad as with operating systems.
I like Opera, other people like Firefox, other people like IE. Great, let's all download the latest updates and then go out for a steak. :p

mmhmm... the DS uses a version of Opera too.
Yeah the Nerd Rage over browsers really doesn't make much sense to me either.
I just avoid IE b/c I always seem to get SIGNIFICANTLY more spyware and stuff like that with IE. So I'll use Firefox OR Opera.
i am sorry, but your troll have died by heartattack....
CDRiccio: Yeah the Nerd Rage over browsers really doesn't make much sense to me either.
I just avoid IE b/c I always seem to get SIGNIFICANTLY more spyware and stuff like that with IE. So I'll use Firefox OR Opera.

Hehe, yeah. IE6, at least. I've never tried 7 or 8. My work PC runs on Windows 2000, which doesn't support those versions, and at home, I've already switched browsers, so why bother?
IE6, IE7, and hell, even IE8 are slower than a Texan with a congenital heart defect. I was a IE7 user, and IE6 before that, and IE5 before that, for years and years, until IE7 was really fucked up and no longer displayed Flash objects at all. So I bit the bullet and moved to Firefox 3 Beta 5 (I hated FF 2 because the buttons were ugly) and I loved it. True convert right here, fellas. I know, WebKit is faster and I do use Chrome for its Incognito thing, but Firefox 3 opened my ignorant eyes on browsers. It was like stepping into a new fucking dimension, a world where sites rendered properly! It was hallucinating, man.
Mentalepsy: I like Opera, other people like Firefox, other people like IE. Great, let's all download the latest updates and then go out for a steak. :p

That's what im going to do right now. Microwaving myself a juicy tenderloin, mm hmmmm
CDRiccio: Use Firefox and be happy. :)
kScope: Use Opera and you will be even more happy :)

Use Google Chrome.
Google Chrome (for who don't know) is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
kScope: Use Opera and you will be even more happy :)#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:59#Q&_^Q&Q#

Use Google Chrome.
Google Chrome (for who don't know) is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

Yeah I haven't tried Chrome out yet. Been meaning too.