JamesBond007, you are the last one in! :-)
This giveaway is now CLOSED! :-) Heading over to random.org now to draw the winners. Be back in a sec!
Corwim: Hm, that's a really annoying bug! Really hope there'll be a fix for it soon, as not everyone who has this version of the game might be interesting in picking up the $14.99 priced Japanese Incentive DLC. :-/
HertogJan: I guess we have to wait for 1.08.
Currently both the 4 DLC version and the gold edition still contain the game breaking bug at Georgia Avenue which appeared in 1.06. It should have been fixed in 1.07, like in the none GOG.com 1.07 versions.
Hm, that's really too bad that bug didn't get fixed either. Waiting for update 1.08 then I guess before I get back into this game. :-/ Don't want to start it again when it's impossible to finish the game due to bugs...
EDIT: After pulling my lists of entrants through random.org, the winners are:
Omerta 10. Sorapak (prefers Omerta) 16. Lexor
13. Jamotide
2. DieRuhe (prefers Omerta)
4. Asrul1992 (prefers Omerta)
15. SilensPoetae
7. Tomyam80 (prefers Still Life 2)
8. Gandos
5. Boocake
9. K1bell
6. TekZero
11. F3real
14. Ciapcian
1. tinyE
12. Gbaz69
3. SoulReaper2580
Still Life 2: 7. Nicohvc 5. HijacK
2. Mrcoolman
8. JamesBond007
4. Tomyam80 (prefers Still Life 2)
3. Asrul1992 (prefers Omerta)
6. Sorapak (prefers Omerta)
1. Die Ruhe (prefers Omerta)
Congratulations Sorapak and Nicohvc! I'll be sending you the codes to the games in a minute through PM! :-)
EDIT 2: gift codes sent! :-)
Enjoy your new games you two, and thank you eveyone who participated or stopped by to leave a comment! :-)