Stuff: Since there is always a debate about old / new game releases I thought it would be interesting to see what the currently available games data would reveal. The data is skewed somewhat since some GOG releases consist two or more games but only one release date on the game card. I don't have access to the actual release dates on GOG (without a time consuming search for the release posts). Gathering info from the game cards I came up with the following:
- GOG offers 226 games released over a nineteen year period.
- Just over ninety percent of the games offered are from 1994 to 2005.
- Nearly Fifty-two percent are games from 2000 to 2005.
- Nearly thirty-nine percent are from 1994 to 1999.
- Less than five percent are releases before 1994.
- Less than five percent are releases after 2005.
With the release of 11 games prior to 1994 and 10 games after 2005, it seems that there is room for more older and newer game releases . . . =)
Nice list. Some errors and omissions I noticed; that is a 20 year period and KQ4 was published in 1988 (making it a 21 year period, actually.) But still very revealing. Thanks.