apoc17: I just buy he computer yesterday. I put win xp and win 98 on it. I just got a problem. In Win xp I see my cd-rom and dvd-rom but when I go in 98 I see none of thems. They doesn't exist even in the dos invite. They are well detected by the bios.
Someone ever have a proble like this?
Check you 98 device manager : does it list an unknown device or a not working CD/DVD ROM ( yellow question marks ) ?
If so, you're goind to have to find appropriate drivers for your devices
EDIT : I see 2 possible reasons
- Win 98 not having found the appropriate drivers for the device or having installed wrong drivers
- Win 98 not reading correctly the master/slave settings of the drives and confusing the optical device with an HDD
Solutions would be
- finding and adding the appropriate device driver, either for your motherboard IDE port ( on MB's CD f.i.), for the device or for both.
- checking how your drives are connected : primary IDE or secondary IDE, master, slave or CS . I would advise to have the HDDs on the primary connector and the optical drives on the secondary one. If you have one HDD, a CD ROM and a DVD drom, try the following
Primary IDE master : HDD
Secondary IDE master : DVD
Secondary IDE slave : CD
Or, if available , both DVD & CD as "CS"/ cable select