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Licurg: Then fight them back, why don't gamers have unions or associations like other groups do? We should organize and fight against these scum.
rampancy: We already do. :) The is the main group out there, but other groups like the [url=]EFF also count as well. WIth matters concerning video games and mainstream public opinion, the ESA is also with us (which makes sense, since they represent the people who make and publish games), and given that the ESA alone represents the interests of companies like EA, Sega, Nintendo, and Microsoft, they're not a force to be dismissed out of hand.

I'd like to think also that charities like Child's Play also count too, since they're a strong sign that gamers, well, are real people too.

Avogadro6: May I ask what kind of book or movie is ok with violence on children?
rampancy: The Bible*?


The point I think, is that video gaming is treated unfairly compared with other media. As I've said before, video games are still understood and viewed by the mainstream as being toys for children, with any other exception being a demonic corrupting force pushed by evil doers. That's why games are either depicted as either things like Mario/Pac Man, or Grand Theft Auto/Mortal Kombat. People don't think about Deus Ex, Shadow of the Colossus, or Planescape: Torment, and if they are, they're grossly misunderstood (e.g. the controversy surrounding Mass Effect's "sexual content").

There's plenty of depictions of violence, sexism, and racism, out there in popular media. In some cases, it's so pervasive that we've become desensitized to it and don't even know it's there. Yet, if there's even a possible, slight hint of something which could be construed as even vaguely "sexual" or inappropriately violent in a video game, people bring out the pitchforks. So why do those other guys get a pass, while video gamers get the shaft?

*As a Christian myself, I think I get some license to have enough humor to make a good dry, self-deprecating joke or two. :)
Those are all either small groups or associations of gaming companies. I meant something like a large-scale movement, something like The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street.
Elmofongo: I was sort of worried that I could get flak for posting this especially posting it to you since you are Germen and I am aware that most Germans today are easily offended to Nazis
Why would I be offended by US Anti-Nazi propaganda from way back? I'm not the one responsible for the Wolfenstein 3D ban. ;)

Actually I think the notion that Germans are easily offended by anything to do with their fascist past is a cliché in itself. Now I'm really offended that you think us German to be so easily offended! This means war! >:(
N0x0ss: A new casual adventure game is in development based on The Twilight Zone. It's in development by Legacy Interactive and Spark Plug Games. It is tentatively set to be released in 2012
Elmofongo: I was sort of worried that I could get flak for posting this especially posting it to you since you are Germen and I am aware that most Germans today are easily offended to Nazis
Leroux: Why would I be offended by US Anti-Nazi propaganda from way back? I'm not the one responsible for the Wolfenstein 3D ban. ;)

Actually I think the notion that Germans are easily offended by anything to do with their fascist past is a cliché in itself. Now I'm really offended that you think us German to be so easily offended! This means war! >:(
another handshake to you, thank you for ridding me of my paranoia in this website :)

and yes I agree that now that you mention it that in itself is a stereotype.
Btw, thanks for posting the IGN article, that was a good laugh. :)

But what I find striking in these kinds of discussions is that it's always about society and never about the people. Pointing out that something is wrong with a group of people, but not in order to help them, but to put the blame on them for whatever. Even assuming - as the media loves to assume - that the boys and men today, or in this case the gamers and the porno-addicts are hindered in their relation to women, does anyone actually care about these relations on a personal level? All I get from such speeches is: Get yourself together, you sissies, and procreate for the good of society! - Um, no, sir, I'd be grateful if you don't meddle into my affairs. Would you mind stepping out of my bedroom now?

To me such speeches sound a lot more harmful than anything I've ever seen in a game. I wonder what this guy would think of a gay gamer, but I fear I already know it. :/
Leroux: ...
I think some heads would explode if he found out my wife's watching more porn than I am, and occasionaly plays videogames with me. Let us examine this sentence more closely, shall we? My wife's watching more porn than I am, and occasionaly plays videogames with me. I mean, that's the worst ammount of decadency THERE IS! There are even women who watch porn or play videogames! It's MAD!
Leroux: ...
Fenixp: I think some heads would explode if he found out my wife's watching more porn than I am, and occasionaly plays videogames with me. Let us examine this sentence more closely, shall we? My wife's watching more porn than I am, and occasionaly plays videogames with me. I mean, that's the worst ammount of decadency THERE IS! There are even women who watch porn or play videogames! It's MAD!
you should go to and read anything anime,Harry Potter,and Twilight combined with the word yaoi if you know what that means, because girls ARE just as horny and perverted as us guys.
I think the main issue here aren't so much games or pornoraphy, but the self-destructive, obsessive nature of men. Men have always been more likely to commit suicide or descend into addiction or social isolation.

In recent years, there's been a lot of talk about "The demise of guys", as the article calls it, meaning the phenomenon that many boys seem to feel unable to attain the modern ideal of masculinity, and therefore drop out of social life to some extent. I guess women have had to deal with this kind of shit for a much longer time, but they're more adaptable, more likely to bend, instead of break, so to speak. So, yeah, I do think there's an issue here, boys really seem to fall behind in school, for example, although I wouldn't blame games for that, as in, I don't think they're the trigger for this trend.

As for pornography, I'm sure it does harm to men, and therefore belongs in this kind of discussion, but the real damage is done to women, of course, directly and indirectly.

Also, I agree with Leroux, I think books have comparatively little influence on modern society. Movies are most important in that regard, and even then there's always the question if blaming them for certain developments isn't akin to blaming a thermometer for the weather.
Elmofongo: ... girls ARE just as horny and perverted as us guys.
He, yeah, as matters stand, psychologists agree with you.
Post edited May 25, 2012 by Jaime
Elmofongo: you should go to and read anything anime,Harry Potter,and Twilight combined with the word yaoi if you know what that means, because girls ARE just as horny and perverted as us guys.
Oh believe me, you don't have to tell me :D

Jaime: As for pornography, I'm sure it does harm to men, and therefore belongs in this kind of discussion, but the real damage is done to women, of course, directly and indirectly.
While I don't exactly agree with the rest of your post, I'm just gonna go meh and let it slide, but here I've got to ask: How exactly does that work? Really?
We should all send hate notes to CNN.
Fenixp: While I don't exactly agree with the rest of your post, I'm just gonna go meh and let it slide, but here I've got to ask: How exactly does that work? Really?
The effects of pornography have been studied for decades, and there's a clear link between its spread and the amount and intensity of sexual violence against women. That would be the indirect effect.

The direct effect is that a vast amount of porn performers are depressed and addicted to drugs, as a result of, and in order to cope with, their lifestyle. Also, many of them seem to have a history of sexual abuse, which often happened, or started, when they were still children.
Post edited May 25, 2012 by Jaime
Poohunter: We should all send hate notes to CNN.
Jaime: The effects of pornography have been studied for decades, and there's a clear link between its spread and the amount and intensity of sexual violence against women. That would be the indirect effect.
Yes, it's kind of like those studies of videogames that clearly increases violent behaviour. Funny thing is that about the time of recent pornography boom thanks to the interrnet, rates of violent crimes seemed to start decreasing, so basically I call BS on that one. Similar pasttimes usually do have the exact opposite effect, i. e. you shoot 20 men in a videogame, you're far less likely to do so in real life since you have quite effectively vented your rage. Why exactly would sexual behaviour be any different?

Jaime: The direct effect is that a vast amount of porn performers are depressed and addicted to drugs, as a result of, and in order to cope with, their lifestyle. Also, many of them seem to have a history of sexual abuse, which often happened, or started, when they were still children.
Well yes, and we should stop listening to music because those poor people tend to do drugs and commit suicide. I just happen to personally know a porn actor. He's not really my friend or anything, but I've had a chance to talk to him for a prolonged time. You'd be surprised how he approaches his work.
Jaime: The effects of pornography have been studied for decades, and there's a clear link between its spread and the amount and intensity of sexual violence against women. That would be the indirect effect.
Fenixp: Yes, it's kind of like those studies of videogames that clearly increases violent behaviour. Funny thing is that about the time of recent pornography boom thanks to the interrnet, rates of violent crimes seemed to start decreasing, so basically I call BS on that one. Similar pasttimes usually do have the exact opposite effect, i. e. you shoot 20 men in a videogame, you're far less likely to do so in real life since you have quite effectively vented your rage. Why exactly would sexual behaviour be any different?

Jaime: The direct effect is that a vast amount of porn performers are depressed and addicted to drugs, as a result of, and in order to cope with, their lifestyle. Also, many of them seem to have a history of sexual abuse, which often happened, or started, when they were still children.
Fenixp: Well yes, and we should stop listening to music because those poor people tend to do drugs and commit suicide. I just happen to personally know a porn actor. He's not really my friend or anything, but I've had a chance to talk to him for a prolonged time. You'd be surprised how he approaches his work.
Now I think I should reply to the "you met a porn actor" statement because from what I learned in life, one person's experiance does not equal to everyone elses
To be fair to Jaime, there're also issues about body expectations (pro-tip: most women in real life don't look or act like girls in pornos) and issues about the objectification of women.

From the few random internet blog posts I've read, the sex-positive feminist solution is apparently gay and indie porn.

I'm going to shy away from posting my own personal views on this matter, partly because I don't want to be too open about my own habits...