Posted July 08, 2013

Registered: Apr 2011
From Hungary

Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted July 08, 2013
I deciphered the code and its still not redeemed and i wont redeem it.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted July 08, 2013
I just solved it too. Got the code thru the first set of hints but then had to bruteforce the order as the 2nd set of hints didn't get me to the promised land,
Oh, and not redeemed as I have it on another platform. Thanks though!
Oh, and not redeemed as I have it on another platform. Thanks though!

Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia

Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted July 08, 2013
Well, yes and no.
When I first saw this thread 2 or so hours ago, I was clueless. And then I came to work and forget about it. I then saw the hints later and was still clueless. But I thought about it a bit and once it clicked, it was easy yes.
But at first, I had no idea where to even begin.
When I first saw this thread 2 or so hours ago, I was clueless. And then I came to work and forget about it. I then saw the hints later and was still clueless. But I thought about it a bit and once it clicked, it was easy yes.
But at first, I had no idea where to even begin.

Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted July 08, 2013
What is the next game?

Bovine Aftermath
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted July 08, 2013

The next game will be revealed as soon as Torchlight is taken. As of yet it is still unredeemed.
Small hint towards the next game: it is one, that didn't get a special promo during the summer sale ('just' the regular 50% off). But it is a great game that deserves to be promoted, so I bought one copy to give away.
Post edited July 08, 2013 by Lifthrasil

Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted July 08, 2013
It is going to be forever until someone gets the code

Registered: Jan 2010
From Australia
Posted July 08, 2013
OK, I took one for the team >_>
I bet the next is Arx Fatalis :P
I bet the next is Arx Fatalis :P

Cat Lord
Registered: Sep 2011
From Hungary

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted July 08, 2013
All right. Austrobogulator took the torch to light the way to the next round (have fun with the game), but the next one is not Arx Fatalis (great game too btw.), but ... System Shock 2 (Shodan deserves all the followers she can get, after all). But the puzzle gets more difficult I think.
This time all the fragments are in their correct place, where you can find them by searching the wisdom of the unique words. But alas, this time the letters and numbers in the fragments have been shifted. Fortunately each of the words of wisdom will be accompanied by and adviser this time. Each adviser will tell you of a characteristic 4-digit number, that will tell you by how much each digit of the corresponding fragment is shifted. Numbers and Letters both wrap around at the end of their respective sequence. (i.e. 9 --> 0 and Z --> A).
Have fun!
Shibboleth - Christopher Columbus
Ozymandis - William the Conqueror
Bhagvan - George Washington
Kopernikus - Neil Armstrong
This time all the fragments are in their correct place, where you can find them by searching the wisdom of the unique words. But alas, this time the letters and numbers in the fragments have been shifted. Fortunately each of the words of wisdom will be accompanied by and adviser this time. Each adviser will tell you of a characteristic 4-digit number, that will tell you by how much each digit of the corresponding fragment is shifted. Numbers and Letters both wrap around at the end of their respective sequence. (i.e. 9 --> 0 and Z --> A).
Have fun!
Shibboleth - Christopher Columbus
Ozymandis - William the Conqueror
Bhagvan - George Washington
Kopernikus - Neil Armstrong
Post edited July 08, 2013 by Lifthrasil

Skull Leader
Registered: Jul 2012
From Panama
Posted July 08, 2013
Well, +1 for the giveaway, but I already have Torchlight so I'm not even going to try (the truth is that I suck at this word's puzzles).

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany