Daedalus1138: I'm interested in HoMM V, but I don't know if I should get it. I have a hard time getting into strategy games, especially if they are difficult. So I'd kind of like to know how difficult it is. Any info would be much appreciated.
It would also be my first turn-based strategy game, so I'd also like to know how easy it is to "get into" the game.
HOMM5 is very easy to get into, just like all the other Heroes games. At 2.50 you really can't go wrong with it.
Word of advice, the sale is a bit of a trick. If you just buy Tribes of the East, you get everything in the base game and I believe the first expansion. Atleast I've always been able to play with the expansion faction in that.
So you can just get TOEE and save two dollars. Or get it all, whichever.