IIRC 123 kick it was $4.99 the other day, not $6.69? Very nice here there are two empty slots, as Alpha Protocol and Bully are restricted.
Can someone
from the US gift me Alpha Protocol for $4.99? I can gift you back a $5 title on Steam or a $6 on GOG. PM me.
Done. Thanks to
Skunk, now I have Alpha Protocol. You can trust him in business negotiations. :)
----------------: you should check direct 2 drive, £7.50 for UK customers which is cheaper than steam currently have it, it seems a fair bet that its cheaper in other regions too.
I don't do D2D, because they don't want to do it with me...
D2D US: "This title is available for purchase in the United States, and Canada."
D2D UK: "This product is only available for purchase in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Ireland and the United Kingdom."
Ralackk: Can anyone thats played blizzards rts custom tower defense maps and defense grid say if its worth buying defense grid even with it being so little at the moment? I'm considering it but only if its a really, really good game otherwise I have access to 1000's of tower defense maps.
Bah I've played a few levels of Defense Grid, found it a bit boring... I still have to complete the game though, to judge.
In the other hand, I found Anomaly: Warzone Earth interesting. It's a reversed tower defense, you are the invading force. It's more RTS-ish and you can move the commander around and upgrade your convoy vehicles, etc for $4.99. ;)
Does anyone here recommends Sol Survivor, Mr Robot and Project Aftermath?